I understand

Jul 01, 2023,07:43 AM

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Servicing Independents

 By: m2 : June 30th, 2023-04:11
Assume an independent goes out of business for whatever reason and has a *relatively* straight forward time only movement or chrono. Where do you even find someone qualified to service a nicer piece without worry?

I see some watchmakers like Kari V in the past have said their movements are easy to service and designed to be so...

 By: m2 : June 30th, 2023-05:55
But then I wonder who is actually out there offering to take on work like this? Nothing really shows up on Google. I ordered a Voutillainen anyways b/c life is short, but I figured it was worth asking the forum.

that is the same for me

 By: penfriend : June 30th, 2023-10:59
it is already difficult to find a repair shop for my Vulcain. There is only one small service boutique in Germany and the big brands like Wempe refuse to work on it for guarantee reasons


 By: MilDiver : June 30th, 2023-14:00


 By: amanico : June 30th, 2023-16:37

I also wonder who will take care of vintage watches.

 By: Huy Doan : June 30th, 2023-06:45
I learn that many new young watchmakers actually start their career by restoring old watches. So my solution is to focus on indie brands with great finishing skills on well-known movements with a few names like Pikullik, Sushkov, Nesterenko or Koivukoski.... 

I am not too worried about “servicing”.

 By: S F : June 30th, 2023-11:38
I am more concerned about availability of parts if some components need replacing.

there are watchmakers that can make their own parts if needed or repair the existing one, I wouldn't be worried, if you do a google search several of them come up

 By: SALMANPK : June 30th, 2023-14:07
or ask a well known independent watchmaker, they can recommend someone to you Paul Gerber is semi-retired but he was the type of mega watchmaker that could repair, enhance anything

Got your point…but keeping

 By: S F : July 1st, 2023-07:01
It 100% original means a lot to me. I own several indies which I dont think I have to worry at this time yet. I am wondering whether the brands would go the corporate way so that even when the founder is not around, the brand will continue to thrive and p... 

I understand

 By: SALMANPK : July 1st, 2023-07:43

I guess that was the question :-)

 By: MilDiver : June 30th, 2023-14:02
Not the skills, but the special parts

Come to New York, there is a nice watchmaker here.

 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : June 30th, 2023-13:48
London has the Struthers, who can work on anything that's not HYT.

It is a real problem

 By: MrkK : June 30th, 2023-14:03
Parts availability is certainly an issue, but also the adjustment information. A qualified watchmaker most likely will be able to service the base movements, but specialty modules such as unusual time displays etc. require adjustment documentation. I used... 

This issue, in one form or another, pops from time to time

 By: MilDiver : June 30th, 2023-14:05
I believe that there are 2 aspects. Special watches, with special parts (like silicocarbonmarble ...) will have problem, I don't see anyone making parts for RM.. Watches with "metal" parts, can be restored, even if you need to make parts from a cost. In ... 

Not an issue

 By: Cozmopak : June 30th, 2023-16:05
Where there is money there is a way

Might be a new topic: do you...

 By: Ronald Held : June 30th, 2023-19:01
Delay getting your watch serviced in fear of physical or cosmetic damage upon return?

Sometimes yes, especially if we're just talking about service recommendations related solely to time or insistence of service based on only on a time interval, It's easy to then fall into

 By: InDebtButOnTime : July 1st, 2023-00:52
"if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Because of this my service intervals are usually primarily based on symptoms more than time.


 By: MilDiver : July 1st, 2023-05:36
I waited long enough until I had the opportunity to go to Geneva and get my watch serviced by the company itself.

There are actually quite a few watchmakers capable of

 By: Steyr : July 3rd, 2023-04:33
maintaining indie's watches. Could be watchmakers who have been working for the brand, could be other indies producing their onw watches, or just skilled repair workshops. Any conscientious and meticulous watchmaker is capable of assembling and reassembli... 

These watchmakers exist

 By: donizetti : July 22nd, 2023-09:07
they need to be able to make parts from scratch of course. I have one in Germany who has been able to solve any problem I have thrown at him so far, including very complicated and indie movements. Best Andreas