1945, needs more love.

Jun 02, 2024,18:21 PM

Any of you out there ever pondered on the practicality of the dress watch? I love the look of say a gold 1966 on a fine strap but desire and practicality don’t necessarily go hand in hand. US summers are very hot and humid in much of the country. Leather straps with calf skin lining gets scummy and sweat stained very quickly, especially at outside events and god forbid they ever get wet as most shrink almost immediately! Rubber straps hold up better but most a lot less elegant. And how many black tie events do you attend? For me, not many! So the dilemma often ends in compromise. But on what exactly?
I purchased a 1945xxl on a strap and I think It looks great! But I knew the strap problem would arise sooner or later so I bought the bracelet as well. My thinking was to switch them out as needed. I’ve come to appreciate the 1945 more and more for its versatility as both a formal and smart casual dress watch. Its unique shape curves around the wrist and it is supremely comfortable. The quality, fit & finish is very high, easily as good as the JLC Reverso by most metrics and yet……despite all that I rarely see this outstanding piece ever mentioned, privately or by the media. I’d argue that it deserves more love! Thoughts?

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Nice on bracelet.

 By: hora12reborn : June 2nd, 2024-18:25

A lovely looking piece!

 By: KMII : June 2nd, 2024-18:28
And fits my wrist very well due to the curved case back. Any shots of it on the strap? And agreed, not that much love around for this one - shaped watches (the Tank and Reverso are exceptions) tend to generally struggle more 🤷🏻‍♂️

You have a diamond here..

 By: KURT_DAVID : June 2nd, 2024-18:34
It won’t take long before people start to appreciate what you already know. Thank you for posting, you really have made my weekend. Kind regards, Kurt.

Great watch

 By: Whitehart : June 2nd, 2024-18:36
This I my variant which I wish I had occasion to wear more more. Agree with the curvature for comfort. ...  

Unfortunately gone

 By: brauner : June 2nd, 2024-19:29
Still with me ...  

I love that black dial with arabic numeral

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : June 2nd, 2024-19:34

Small but nice

 By: brauner : June 3rd, 2024-16:26

I do🤧

 By: brauner : June 3rd, 2024-09:52


 By: brauner : June 3rd, 2024-16:25


 By: yankbrit : June 2nd, 2024-19:55
Yes, Bracelet is GP.


 By: yankbrit : June 3rd, 2024-00:45
For purely dress and If I could turn the clock back, lifestyle permitting, I’d do rose gold with the enamel dial on a strap. Need to see it ‘in the flesh’ so to speak. Pure class…..!

My other pick

 By: jakub04 : June 2nd, 2024-22:10
Hi there. A lovely piece I have to say. However, I was always a fan of Richeville series and have recently bought one. As for the wearability for specific occasions - I never pounder and just wear whatever I feel. People don't care and I consider watches ...  


 By: yankbrit : June 3rd, 2024-00:42
Nice! Richeville also an overlooked piece and can double duty as both dressy and a daily wear. I think you might have just offered up the best and most simple advice for us all……’wear what you feel’. In other words, don’t overthink it! Full disclosure, I’... 

Jury has decided...

 By: jakub04 : June 3rd, 2024-01:15
... To spare the sentence of wearing cheapest fashion watches for full month granted you will enjoy your watches. Just kidding of course. Cheers!

Thanks mate

 By: jakub04 : June 3rd, 2024-06:15
I guess I finally will make a post for this watch.

It is a unique one

 By: Jad : June 3rd, 2024-05:21
I love mine a lot ...  

White gold

 By: kjkt3 : June 3rd, 2024-11:38

White gold or platinum?

 By: amanico : June 3rd, 2024-14:36