Tonight’s selection…

Jun 10, 2024,22:09 PM

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 By: InHavenPro : June 10th, 2024-22:17
Cheers!! 🥂

Tonight's libation will be a pint of Modelo . . .

 By: Dr No : June 10th, 2024-22:35
. . . at The Rainbow, washing down a plate of Sabino's 'baja' halibut. Yes, he's back in the kitchen!

I’m very happy for you!

 By: TheMadDruid : June 11th, 2024-00:28

Sad to say celebrating Sabino's return to The Rainbow's kitchen has to be delayed . . .

 By: Dr No : June 11th, 2024-17:44
. . . by at least a day. Came down with gout ~ 9 pm last night right in the middle of our Monday night pool game, had to go straight home. 🤕

You have to get rid of that.

 By: TheMadDruid : June 11th, 2024-22:37
It’s interfering with your Sunset Strip activities.

Only for a few days . . . should be back at The Rainbow Thursday . . .

 By: Dr No : June 11th, 2024-22:57
. . . but with the usual crew in the kitchen, Edgar and Omar. Baja halibut and Art's swordfish are Sabino's exclusive domain.


 By: S F : June 10th, 2024-23:39
Ordered the 2018 vintage, should be ready in 3-4 yrs time 😁

And it will be a killer.

 By: TheMadDruid : June 11th, 2024-00:28

Great choice. Enjoy the evening.

 By: Bill : June 10th, 2024-23:41
These guys and get up in the years. ...  

Once again, Bill

 By: TheMadDruid : June 11th, 2024-00:30
Very impressive!

Impressive choice for a Monday night!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : June 10th, 2024-23:57

Made for a very great night.

 By: TheMadDruid : June 11th, 2024-00:31

Cool! Spécial occasion or just enjoying life? 😀

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : June 11th, 2024-11:56

Attempting the latter. 😊

 By: TheMadDruid : June 11th, 2024-12:18

Looks like a great night!

 By: gregcarraram3 : June 11th, 2024-02:32

It did!

 By: TheMadDruid : June 11th, 2024-12:18

Love this wine!

 By: amanico : June 11th, 2024-06:47

Me too.

 By: TheMadDruid : June 11th, 2024-12:21
When I was in CDP decades ago I went to one of the vineyards where the vines grew through the stones the town was famous for. I “borrowed “ three of them but, alas, they’ve been missing for many years. I may have to go back there and get a few more. ... 

That is a great idea!

 By: amanico : June 11th, 2024-15:42


 By: TheMadDruid : June 11th, 2024-22:36