I'm not 100% sure, but highly possible!

Sep 27, 2023,20:23 PM

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You went to the wrong town!

By: patrick_y : September 27th, 2023-05:45
You don't go to NYC to eat! You go to Tokyo, Osaka, or Europe to eat! I like Jean Georges in NYC - pretty happy with all of my meals there. Sant Ambroeus on Madison and 77th is reasonably priced, decent service, and reasonable food. NYC is actually not ba... 

Tokyo is always worth the trip.

By: patrick_y : September 28th, 2023-00:14
Don't understand your question. What is "it" in your question? Tokyo is always worth the trip in my book!

Olive and liquid olive

By: andrea~ : September 27th, 2023-15:20
the perfect pairing 🤣 make sure you don't eat all of it or you'll gain weight (a gram)

Wait a minute

By: sschew : September 27th, 2023-19:32
I thought this was a joke and he was just cooking at home. If this is real it truly is a joke.