
Jul 01, 2024,20:00 PM

Ice cream and Bundt cake!

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I’d rather you spend your feelings than eat them.

By: Jay (Eire) : July 1st, 2024-20:30
It’s healthier in the long run. So forget the ice cream and cake and just go buy that ceramic Blancpain bracelet!!!


By: myles721 : July 1st, 2024-22:23
You the manπŸš΅πŸ»πŸŠπŸ»πŸƒπŸ»β€βž‘οΈ

And fattening I'm sure!

By: patrick_y : July 2nd, 2024-21:04
I haven't had one in over a year! Ice cream has gotten expensive. I used to buy these for $5. Now they're $6 on sale!