clemens m
A warm welcome to my home country,
Apr 02, 2024,11:01 AM
i really hope you enjoy it here - there is a lot do be discovered!
Although I am not a resident of Vienna and not even working there anymore I can always recommend a Tafelspitz @Plachutta (
or a nice Menu at Steirereck ( ) if you haven´t already checked them out. A nice Schokolade-Nuss Scheiterhaufen @Cafe Diglas (
Das Café beim Stephansplatz - Cafe Diglas Wollzeile 
is always a really nice choice. And there are plenty of other very, very nice restaurants in Vienna alone - in Lower Austria South or North of Vienna I could give you dozens of nice restaurants to check out!
I wish you a pleasant stay, Vienna (and Austria in general) is always worth a visit.
Best Regards,