“It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere!”

Nov 17, 2023,11:53 AM


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When should I start drinking?

 By: Marcus Hanke : November 17th, 2023-11:24
Marcus ...  


 By: myles721 : November 17th, 2023-11:47
Hmmmmm 🤨😵‍💫🤪

just what I thought!

 By: VinnieD : November 17th, 2023-15:02
let's start with this one

“It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere!”

 By: KURT_DAVID : November 17th, 2023-11:53

So. Do you like Ardbeg?

 By: Credor : November 17th, 2023-14:06
It begs the question


 By: NautNut : November 17th, 2023-14:26

After Dinner

 By: @lberti : November 17th, 2023-15:00


 By: amanico : November 17th, 2023-16:52

Good Lord!

 By: Boris : November 18th, 2023-00:35
If I had this collection, I would probably be drinking nonstop. Alas, I have to be content with my bottle of Ardbeg Uigeadail, a mainstay in my bar.