patrick_y[PuristSPro Moderator]
The rest of the car is actually pretty good. Just the air suspension is the only problem.
Jun 17, 2024,18:45 PM
The engine is very reliable, transmission is very solid, differential is reliable as well. Just that air suspension is the Achilles heel!
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Enjoy the hunt!
By: patrick_y : June 25th, 2024-18:11
The problem with these things is that they consume way too much fuel. A US Gallon is 3.78 liters and costs around $5.39 US dollars or around 5 Euros currently. It was as high as 6 Euros earlier. The cost to operate these cars is just too high - especially...
Good to know!
By: patrick_y : July 8th, 2024-18:45
Ahh, yes, the limited top speed could be a problem. Good to know that people in Germany are slowing down. I wonder why people in Germany are slowing down. Is it the cars just don't feel great at 250 KPH? Is it the drivers don't want to pay the increased f...
Times have changedβ¦
By: KMII : July 8th, 2024-18:49
The previous generation for whom driving fast was a thing are slowly ageing out of their working days (with company cars) and many younger people do not appreciate driving fast nearly as much. Fuel costs are an issue, too. And fewer people nowadays have c...