You must go through a lot of cars! Imagine all the money you could save if you went electric. Assuming you could charge at home and at the times when electricity is cheaper. And assuming that electric cars meet your space and range needs. Germany has fairly expensive electricity. Probably around 0.40 to 0.50 Euros on average per kilo-watt-hour (kWh) - maybe cheaper at night. Here in California, I pay around 0.35 Euros per kWh for night-time charging for my electric car and the electricity goes sky high to around 0.65 Euros a kWh during the afternoon until midnight. My car can get about 6 kilometers per kWh. But we do drive A LOT slower (and thus more efficiently) than in Germany. Here in California, the limit on the highway is around 112 KPH. In Germany, you have many sections where the speed is unlimited and people generally drive around 200 KPH. I have no idea what an electric car would average in terms of efficiency at 200 KPH - 3 kilometers per kWh. Thus equating cost to around 0.20 Euros per mile. Electric cars also need very little maintenance. Worth considering if you can charge at home and assuming you go home every night!