Senna was fantastic.

Nov 13, 2023,09:19 AM

This car belongs on a race track. Enjoy!

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 By: TeutonicCarFan : November 13th, 2023-00:00


 By: patrick_y : November 13th, 2023-00:10
Senna is Brazilian. And the car has no Mexican roots. The famous race Carrera race in Mexico is the only major link and it doesn't specifically apply to the Senna at all. It's possible this owner is probably just proud of his Mexican heritage or a big fan... 

Most welcome!

 By: patrick_y : November 13th, 2023-00:44

Fast and Expensive...

 By: MikiJ : November 13th, 2023-00:45
Not to mention, Beautiful

Senna was fantastic.

 By: LarsG : November 13th, 2023-09:19
This car belongs on a race track. Enjoy!