Dufilho is represented by M.A.D. Gallery too!

Apr 02, 2024,00:03 AM

MB&F will happily sell you a small Dufilho for your desk, or a larger one for your garden!  

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Ferrari 330 P4... kind of ...

By: bimbeano : March 31st, 2024-23:03
Spotted this one in France today. I am not an 'art' guy, actually I'm more like a Neanderthaler when it comes to fine arts etc. Off course when it's car related things tend to change and I become an expert. So the visual reflective creativisual flings in ...  

Dufilho is represented by M.A.D. Gallery too!

By: patrick_y : April 2nd, 2024-00:03
MB&F will happily sell you a small Dufilho for your desk, or a larger one for your garden!