Can there be an Electric “Muscle Car”? Dodge says yes, it’s the Daytona, now at dealers

Jan 08, 2025,17:39 PM

Dodge Daytona has Direct Connection Stage Kit upgrades to kick off the Daytona’s first year of production.

The R/T will receive the Stage 1 upgrade, offering an extra 40 horses to boost it to 496 hp and a claimed 4.7-second 0-60 time and a 13.1-second quarter-mile with a top speed of 137 mph.

The Scat Pack will come with the Stage 2 package, adding 80 horses and bringing the combined power output to 670 horsepower, with a 3.3-second 0-60 time and a 11.5-second quarter-mile, with a top speed of 134 mph.

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Well, we all know things are moving this direction.

By: MichaelC : January 8th, 2025-17:49
Electric cars are not something that interest me. At all. But I'll credit Dodge here on the aesthetics. If we spotted this car 50 years ago, we would all know the manufacturer.

The question is…

By: KMII : January 9th, 2025-06:39
If those that scale back now have any chance of catching up later 🤷🏻‍♂️

It’s a valid question …

By: Cpt Scarlet : January 9th, 2025-11:54
The march of Chinese electric car companies are certainly threatening the legacy manufacturers.

Not that I am writing anyone off…

By: KMII : January 9th, 2025-12:46
But catching up when the other side has gone way down the experience curve for one, and is not hampering itself with having to fear the cannibalisation of the legacy business, is hard 🤷🏻‍♂️

People touting the new employment opportunities in electric

By: cazalea : January 9th, 2025-16:10
Don’t realize how many fewer people overall will be needed with all-electric vehicles (not counting the minors working as miners in 3rd world )

Electric vehicle manufacturing is leaner for sure…

By: KMII : January 9th, 2025-16:15
And after the learning curve is mastered somewhat this should lead to either much cheaper cars or more profitable car companies. But certainly not more employment directly.

Nice looking car.

By: Champthekid : January 8th, 2025-18:17
When I can charge a battery as fast as I can fill a tank of gas I’d be a buyer. Also must have a charging station as frequently available as gas stations. Will it happen in my time? No way but I’m getting old 😂

The infrastructure is not ready for full scale EV use yet,

By: Thomas_3 : January 9th, 2025-00:10
range, charging staions and a few other factors come into play. I'm not anti-EV, just not ready for one yet, and may not be in my lifetime

I object to the loss of anonymity

By: cazalea : January 9th, 2025-16:15
I can drive my Lotus put $20 in gas and drive 100 miles anywhere. With charging stations you need credit card, memberships, etc. no cash payments accepted, VIN recorded, and so forth. A Big Brother’s dream.

For me the technology still has a long way to go and I'm not just talking about infrastructure, range and charging time. Allow options. Let the consumers have choice. Let manufacturers

By: InDebtButOnTime : January 9th, 2025-03:06
develop and pursue all technologies. Forcing one option based on questionable claims will stifle innovation and limit progress. Over 100 years ago multiple types of power were allowed to compete with each other and that would still be the best way forward... 

Only back then…

By: KMII : January 9th, 2025-06:25
There was huge political pressure to go for petrol and drop all other alternatives. Saying there was ‘open competition’ for anything but the shortest times is a tad revisionist. And it’s not like the best technology necessarily won (Betamax anyone). The o... 

Looks very nice 👌🏻👍🏻

By: KMII : January 9th, 2025-06:38
Quite curious what the overall reception will be like and what it’s like to drive. Is it RWD or AWD?

It will be more exciting than any Tesla !

By: bimbeano : January 9th, 2025-10:26
But the big question here is how much less exciting it will be than an ICE powered DODGE ;-) BTW 496 hp + 80 hp equals 670 hp ? Bim

All wheel drive, semi hatchback

By: cazalea : January 9th, 2025-15:45
Glass roof (sun & sound package) Seats fold down Skateboard chassis low center of gravity Wide track Who knows if it will be awesome? Starts at $60k ...