Ain't nothing "basic" about that one!

Jan 13, 2020,07:06 AM

Beautiful photo of your beautiful Traditionnelle!



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Going grey today

 By: agyzace : January 13th, 2020-06:40
Still my favourite basic companion. All the best, Alex ...  

Ain't nothing "basic" about that one!

 By: respo : January 13th, 2020-07:06
Beautiful photo of your beautiful Traditionnelle! Cheers, respo

A gorgeous piece!

 By: Skyrider01 : January 13th, 2020-07:10
I love grey dials, and the grey on that one is beautiful!

Thank you very much! [nt]

 By: agyzace : January 13th, 2020-07:52

Stunning [nt]

 By: E in PA : January 13th, 2020-07:14

Thanks! [nt]

 By: agyzace : January 13th, 2020-08:55

😊 thank you! [nt]

 By: agyzace : January 13th, 2020-07:53

That's the best "calatrava" right there.

 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : January 13th, 2020-08:37
At least, in my book. Favorite VC as well.

Very elegant! [nt]

 By: K-Lo : January 13th, 2020-10:41

Thank you! [nt]

 By: agyzace : January 13th, 2020-11:02

What a lovely watch. I was very, very close to buying the equivalent watch with date, in white gold and dial, but didn’t commit on time and lost the chance.

 By: Catulle : January 13th, 2020-11:07
They still make it, and I might still pick one up. A truly good looking watch and the perfect size. Congrats.

Classical understated elegance

 By: Uncle Chico : January 13th, 2020-11:07
Makes whatever you wear a dress event.

Thank you very much!! [nt]

 By: agyzace : January 13th, 2020-13:00

Classic beauty!! [nt]

 By: mj23 : January 13th, 2020-11:29

Looks slate blue!

 By: LS : January 13th, 2020-12:46
Wonderful piece

One of the best, especially in platinum!

 By: jleno : January 13th, 2020-15:11
Love the grey dial as well!

Thank you!! [nt]

 By: agyzace : January 14th, 2020-00:28

Love the platinum version.

 By: AlfaQ4 : January 14th, 2020-01:21
My WG say hi! ...