The theme for the December WS will be ‘The Grand Finale’

Dec 05, 2024,07:44 AM

Tomorrow the final WS of the year will get launched and I am hoping for - as the theme claims - a grand finale to the year 😁

The topic is somewhat open to interpretation, it could be the final incoming of the year, your horological grand finale (if you are indeed in the situation to have reached it), a grand complication you particularly cherish or that exit watch that is still on the horizon. 

Given the month, extra points will be awarded for a suitably festive surroundings / background. 

Looking forward to seeing what your grand finale is and will put the thread up tomorrow at around noon GMT, as usually. 

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Looking forward to it …

By: Cpt Scarlet : December 5th, 2024-09:38
The December edition should be a lot of fun with some great watches being shared.

Better late than never.. 😀

By: KURT_DAVID : December 8th, 2024-16:41
Good afternoon KM and thanks for hosting. Been a hectic weekend but here is my finale! Easily the most worn piece of my limited collection since I acquired it in February. It would seem 38mm is the new 42/43mm for me. All the best to all this festive seas...