Subexplorer[Moderator - WristScan]
Our July WS event “The Special One” is Open Now!!
Jul 05, 2024,12:20 PM
Hello dear friends!
I have the pleasure of being your host this weekend and as announced this is the Theme for the July edition of our Wrist Scan event.
I’m asking our participants to share that special watch which resides in their watch boxes which inspires a deep satisfaction and pride of owning when wearing or with just viewing it.
As we feel some of our friends here own several watches which could enter in this “Special” category I am asking to limit their entries to not more than three pieces in case they can’t choose only one.
As usual participants can send entries for the Static Shot or Wrist Shot category or for both.
Our dear Art will judge an special “Classic” category for vintage watches and a “Best Watch of The Month” will be awarded among all watches submitted.
Our event will close on Sunday afternoon and Judges will post their veredicts after the closing.
I wish a very nice and relaxed weekend and a lot of enjoyment participating in our classic WS event.
Best cordial regards