I concur

Mar 26, 2023,23:28 PM

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The Ghostly Galleons

By: GuinnessForMeAndTheWatch : March 13th, 2023-07:09
a rare platinum sanmarco with solid silver hand engraved dial finished with champleve enameling from 95 ...  

very cool!

By: GuinnessForMeAndTheWatch : March 26th, 2023-09:45
yes in yellow gold was a watch and pocketwatch set…ive never seen what pocket watch looked like but a work of art so thanks for sharing. any other pics of it?

My my my what a beautiful watch!

By: Pelle_thorstenson : March 13th, 2023-07:55
Some more pics would be much appreciated and perhaps some background information please. Thanks Pelle

not sure any out there. only made 30 or so

By: GuinnessForMeAndTheWatch : March 14th, 2023-20:11
i’ve seen only one at auction in 2016 no5 low estimate 15k usd which didnt sell and mine which randomly found/bought in corner watchstore in HK for half that. so stupid cheap (i think) when do appear