You can also answer: " Why, are you a doctor? " That works quite well, too. :)

Oct 30, 2023,22:55 PM

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This is not directed at anyone here, just a general comment.

 By: Thomas_3 : October 30th, 2023-19:09
Some of you may agree, some may disagree. If you are sick stay home from work/the office. Going to work sick is not being a hero, it is being a dumb ass. We have had 3 people go home today, all before noon and I'll guarantee you none of them felt good thi... 

Agree with you completely.

 By: gadalex : October 30th, 2023-19:23
And I think that because there is a wider acceptance of a work from home/office split (perhaps diminishing slowly) those individuals that don't feel well can still offer some output whilst not having to make themselves weaker by travelling and stressing w... 

Agreed, there is no one here that can" work from home.

 By: Thomas_3 : October 30th, 2023-19:32
I did it for 2 years during the height if COVID and didn't miss a beat. Making someone in the office sick doesn't just make one more person sick, remember they take it home and pass it along, and so on and so on. Sorry, this is just my rant for the day be... 

While I can work from home, there are jobs that really can’t…

 By: Clueless_Collector : October 30th, 2023-19:40
Few examples, equipment maintenance and people who work at production facilities…hourly paid vs salaried/exempt employees. I do agree that if someone is feeling sick should stay home, but what if they do not have vacation time or sick time and they need t... 

Nowadays whenever friends/colleagues/people asked me, "How are you?" .... My answer is always "I'm glad to be alive, and happy" :)P

 By: Clueless_Collector : October 30th, 2023-22:41
Always at least 2 sides in a story...I'm still working towards my life goal, "Speak neutral, write neutral and think neutral". If I can do that, I think the ancient aliens will come pick me up to "Nirvana".

Thinking that way and having a healthy loving family and all the basic necessities

 By: Chicolini : October 31st, 2023-01:57
of life; food, running water that gets hot, running water at all, good health, heat, shelter, clothing, freedom of mobility, freedom to read what you want and freedom of speech (kind of anymore), my friend, you ARE in Nirvana NOW. What more could one want... 

Well said, Ed..

 By: Echi : October 31st, 2023-05:03
That’s what I tell people. Moreover, at my age 55, having a routine in itself is a luxury. Boring is good! Everything else is gravy.


 By: Esharp : October 30th, 2023-23:12
…seem to be a heavily politicised thing in the West. Here in Hong Kong where I live, people still remember SARS from 2003, and masks are no big deal (some people still wear them, especially the elderly or those in service jobs; the vast majority don’t). I... 

The best part about COVID

 By: m2 : October 30th, 2023-19:25
is that now people dont look at me weird for doing things like using hand sanitizer or refusing handshakes lol

Feeling the same :D

 By: Reuven Malter : October 30th, 2023-20:12

In total agreement.

 By: amanico : October 30th, 2023-20:58

Honestly, I can't get exercised over this stuff.

 By: vitalsigns : October 30th, 2023-21:11
People have different sensitivities for sure, and I'd prefer not to be around sick people either... But the pendulum has swung way too far to the paranoid side (for many, not all). Attempted isolation from pathogens, bathing oneself in hand sanitizer, and... 

Bingo, my exact feelings!🥂

 By: ZSHSZ : October 30th, 2023-21:51
I work in the NYC Transit system, so you name it I got it, went true it and still around and kicking. Just live your life, the clock is winding down fast…

John, when I grew up, our parents wanted us to catch things

 By: cazalea : October 31st, 2023-00:37
And then we’d develop resistance. In college we went to Mexico and ate street tacos with the intent of “surviving”. How things have changed… Cazalea

We never drank or even brushed teeth with tap water

 By: cazalea : November 2nd, 2023-01:55
💦 😬 💦 🪥

++1 💯

 By: hmd4m : October 31st, 2023-01:22

Hmm... don't get me started on this one. Do masks work? When and exactly how. Do vaccines work? Which ones and to what degree. Does everyone have a stellar immune system? Should

 By: InDebtButOnTime : October 31st, 2023-03:54
anyone go to work or to any public gathering if sick?... NO! Is that easy for everyone? NO! I'm just glad I'm retired. My personal opinion is if you're sick stay home... if that's an option.

Unfortunately i work in a mask all day

 By: shafran : October 31st, 2023-09:04
And I am in front of all kinds of sick people all day. The n95 mask works for me.