May he RIP, I am a huge fan

Apr 03, 2020,16:24 PM

Love his voice, he can sing in Heaven now


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Bill Withers ...

 By: Cpt Scarlet : April 3rd, 2020-16:15
Bill Withers, the superb soul singer behind the hits, Ain't No Sunshine and Lean On Me has died from heart complications aged 81. Thanks Bill for all the wonderful music that will live on and give pleasure to many of us. ...  

May he RIP, I am a huge fan

 By: SALMANPK : April 3rd, 2020-16:24
Love his voice, he can sing in Heaven now S

RIP! [nt]

 By: amanico : April 3rd, 2020-16:42

You beat me to it, Salman. One of my favorite recordings . . .

 By: Dr No : April 3rd, 2020-16:50
. . . of all time. Withers was the rare entertainer who hung up his holster early and never looked back. No 'return' tours, no 'final' tours . . . he just ended his career, and early at that. What a loss . . .

He was a sensitive soul and an artist in its purest form....

 By: SALMANPK : April 3rd, 2020-17:17
you don't find that so easily in our world. His song Grandma's Hands got me through a very dark time in my life and for which I am eternally grateful to him. S

Amazing Voice and true artist [nt]

 By: Gelato Monster : April 3rd, 2020-17:26
His timbre is soul soothing

That song ...

 By: Cpt Scarlet : April 4th, 2020-03:00
His grandmother helped to raise him and the song is tribute to her.

It’s a huge loss Art ...

 By: Cpt Scarlet : April 4th, 2020-02:57
Interestingly Bill was signed to Sussex Records and because they didn’t pay him he erased an entire album that he had recorded for the label to make his point. I would love to hear that album !

Definitely 😎 [nt]

 By: Cpt Scarlet : April 4th, 2020-07:14

There's an infamous underground Rolling Stones LP in my collection . . .

 By: Dr No : April 4th, 2020-15:30
. . . that serious fans know of, but few have. Not to be cute about it, but the title's as controversial as the lyrics. Look up 'last Stones song cut for ABKCO' and you may find it on the internet. ;-)

Thanks Art ...

 By: Cpt Scarlet : April 6th, 2020-13:35
I’ll look it up

Great music ! [nt]

 By: Cpt Scarlet : April 4th, 2020-02:43

Thanks for the memories Bill Withers!

 By: M4 : April 3rd, 2020-17:08
May you rest in peace. M4

Ditto that. Withers was a performer . . .

 By: Dr No : April 3rd, 2020-17:29
. . . of my generation - I was in high school when his chart numbers were on FM radio. Almost as though he's a part of my identity . . .

That voice!

 By: kkochheiser : April 3rd, 2020-18:53
Wow, I'll miss that, but I've got the memories. Kent

The first time I really listened to him...

 By: kkochheiser : April 3rd, 2020-19:43
Since my background was jazz, was with The Jazz Crusaders. Soul Shadow. Wow. After that I had to circle back and get what I’d missed. Glad I did.

Fabulous voice ! [nt]

 By: Cpt Scarlet : April 4th, 2020-03:02

What a voice! [nt]

 By: nacelle : April 4th, 2020-09:56

Very special 😎 [nt]

 By: Cpt Scarlet : April 4th, 2020-14:53