Birds on the Breakfast Buffet

Jan 31, 2025,20:00 PM

After our walk this morning, my wife filled the bird dishes. Time: 10:10 am Within one minute, WoW were they eager for breakfast!

Doves are a bit shy and very polite. They waited their turn, which was a mistake because the buffet line was going full steam.

The Jays came next. They are at the top of the pecking order and all other birds scram when the Jay appears. We have 3-4 that we can identify as different from one another.

I’d never seen this behavior before but my wife says it’s normal for a couple of them — they bang the sunflower seed on the dish to open it 

then discard the shell.

A look of disdain, and he’s off.

Perhaps the disdain was for the squirrel who snuck up the wall (I took this phone one minute later) and poached from one of the bird dishes.

10:18 squirrel flees as my wife scowls at him, and one minute later this Jay flies in.

Oops. dropped it.

A timid scaly-breasted munia takes a look in the dish

and seconds later a flock arrives!

In 4 minutes the dish is empty. 

Sorry Doves.


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🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣So true!

By: ArmisT : February 1st, 2025-00:11
All that would be needed is Mike to withhold the food seeds and just put like 5 seeds at a time to drive the frenzy!😉