Wow!!! Thank you for the multiple links...

Aug 02, 2013,13:29 PM

Looking at the pictures brought a smile to my face. We are leaving for The Netherlands/Belgium next week. This will be followed by a cruise down the Rhine. My daughter is a history buff with a recent interest in the Crusades so the cruise should be both enjoyable and educational(not always synonymous).  We'll end up spending a few days in Switzerland after the cruise taking the train around the country. I already have my Eurail pass.

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What do you see?

 By: DRMW : July 31st, 2013-00:06
I thought it was cool to spot objects in a previous post made by fellow PuristS 'Stefan': ( ) so take a look at this pic: Do you see anything in this pic? -MW...  

It's like a PPro Rorschach test!

 By: DRMW : July 31st, 2013-00:11
Like a Rorschach Test but instead of ink blots it's a real pic! :) -MW ...  

LOL! [nt]

 By: DRMW : July 31st, 2013-09:16


 By: Spellbound : July 31st, 2013-01:22
I see perhaps a sleeping dragon head ?

re: hmmm

 By: DRMW : July 31st, 2013-09:19
Not a dragon but definitely an animal, a real one! :) Hint: image is in the rock formation. -MW

Answer is in

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : July 31st, 2013-05:00
song lyrics.... ;) Seriously :) I think I see climber falusoid shaped rock and cloudy that looks like futuristic car ...... so you say that we should talk about my early childhood mr. psychiatrist??? :) :) Cheers Damjan

re: answer

 By: DRMW : July 31st, 2013-09:18
Yep, it's a wonderful world! :) This place is named for the image in the rock formation! -MW

In my deffence...

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : July 31st, 2013-11:34
this is what happens when you carry to much about details than whole picture :) has something to do with observing watch details :) Best D ...  


 By: DRMW : August 1st, 2013-00:08
Now that you mentioned it, the clouds resemble a alligator or turtle! -MW

Since the pic is from the U.S.

 By: blomman Mr Blue : July 31st, 2013-05:20
Best Blomman ...  

That's precisely . . .

 By: Dr No : July 31st, 2013-08:07
. . . it! Great job, blomman, for bringing out the relief of an eagle in the notch of the mountain. I was looking at Ming's photo for a minute and didn't see anything until scrolling down to your entry. Art

You need to be a Swedish...

 By: blomman Mr Blue : July 31st, 2013-08:44
to see an American Blad Eagle! ;) Best Blomman

re: precisely

 By: DRMW : July 31st, 2013-09:35
If you saw this in person you might think the eagle was fake! It's image is almost too good to be true and I had to ask the rangers there if it was real. -MW

You would make a good radiologist!

 By: DRMW : July 31st, 2013-09:23
Sharp eyes blomman! Yes that is the image of a gigantic eagle in the rock formation! Actually this place is called Eagle Point. When we were driving up, we found out why it really does look like a bird. I thought it was so cool to see this as it really st... 

=) [nt]

 By: blomman Mr Blue : July 31st, 2013-09:43

There's a part in the rock formation...

 By: patrick_y : July 31st, 2013-10:19
There's a part in the rock formation that looks like the "Spirit of Ecstasy" lady on the hood of Rolls Royce cars. The bottom half is a bit different, but the top half is very accurate!

There's an image of...

 By: DRMW : August 2nd, 2013-00:43
There's a image of an Eagle, they called this landmark Eagle Rock at Eagle Point. -MW

Having just seen the answer....

 By: Andy : July 31st, 2013-13:08
wow..!! I looked at the pic for ages and saw its been pointed out its so obvious :) In fact it now looks photoshopped.! Great pic.! Yours, Andy.

I'm amazed as well!

 By: DRMW : August 1st, 2013-00:05
It was cool to see the eagle, it's much more visible when you see it in person. -MW

once its been pointed out i can see it.

 By: G99 : August 1st, 2013-13:53
excellent spotting there Blomman. i would never have seen it in a million years. G

re: pointed

 By: DRMW : August 2nd, 2013-00:13
It really stands out in person, more pics and video of it on the way! -MW

"It's just a bunch of rocks"...

 By: jeffreyg : August 2nd, 2013-11:43
I recall visiting Stonehenge and marvelling at the stories surrounding this pre-historic site. A bunch of locals drove by and shouted "It's just a bunch of rocks." Boy, did that burst my bubble.

re: bunch of rocks

 By: DRMW : August 2nd, 2013-11:46
I heard the same too! I guess some people can't appreciate nature. Cool you got to see Stonehenge, have you been to the Grand Canyon South, North, or West rim? -MW

I have had the pleasure of visiting the Grand Canyon...

 By: jeffreyg : August 2nd, 2013-12:00
via helicopter, donkey and on foot. Your pictures are fabulous and breath taking. Although man made, a recent visit to the Great Wall was also visually spectacular and physically challenging.

re: pleasure

 By: DRMW : August 2nd, 2013-13:14
Very cool! Viewing via heli is spectacular isn't it? Since you mentioned the donkey/mule ride I'm guessing you went to the Hidden Ranch at the bottom. Here's a cool post by PuristS 'watchguy' you might be interested in: / PuristS 'flamenco' has posted si...  

Wow!!! Thank you for the multiple links...

 By: jeffreyg : August 2nd, 2013-13:29
Looking at the pictures brought a smile to my face. We are leaving for The Netherlands/Belgium next week. This will be followed by a cruise down the Rhine. My daughter is a history buff with a recent interest in the Crusades so the cruise should be both e... 

Have a great trip and...

 By: DRMW : August 2nd, 2013-16:35
Have a fun and safe trip, don't forget to share some pics of your vacation when you get back! -MW

ah, from a local i...

 By: G99 : August 2nd, 2013-11:47
ah, from a local i can say, Stonehenge is just a bunch of rocks, but those rocks come from wales which is 200 miles away. they weigh several tonnes each, 60 + tonnes i think. no one really knows how they got there and got put into position. thats whats sp... 

LOL! [nt]

 By: DRMW : August 2nd, 2013-11:47