Anyone else have a World Time Touch Sensor?

Nov 16, 2023,05:20 AM

There was a time (long ago) when these were extremely cool and seen on executive desks. Mine hadn’t worked for some time, but today we were trying to work out what time it is in Tokyo when it’s 9 PM in San Diego.

Rather than ask Alexa or Siri, I reset my clock properly. By pushing rear-mounted buttons A B C simultaneously, it went back to Jan 1, 1986. Could this really have come out 37 years ago?!

Anyway, now that it’s properly set for West Coast (zone 3) in Nov 2023, I can read the time in Tokyo (zone 22). It’s 14:05 tomorrow if everything is still aligned with its internal chip set.

Add a few moments to make this post and Siri agrees:


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