Hey, guys - can I join . . .

Jan 07, 2025,15:43 PM

. . . the party?


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Welcome onboard!!

By: S F : January 7th, 2025-15:58
Bit of a curveball but definitely a strong start for Dr No in 2025! No date sub is a good choice but did you look also consider for e.g., sea dweller or explorer?

Curveball? . . .

By: Dr No : January 7th, 2025-16:14
. . . I'll say! As for other versions: nugatory. The boutique associate called in early December to see if I would take a date Sub. "Nope," said I, "only a no-date." Three weeks later I got the call I was hoping for. 😋

I was going to say you can’t always get what you want, but you did.

By: TheMadDruid : January 7th, 2025-22:27
Are you feeling satisfaction? Looks like time is on your Wrist. By the way, the Sub looks great with a torn and frayed flannel shirt.

You knew . . .

By: Dr No : January 9th, 2025-18:45
. . . this was coming. From the bars and smelly bordellos, Art ...  

Wanna . . .

By: Dr No : January 7th, 2025-18:33
. . . trade? Happy with mine, but even bigger love for vintage. ;-)

Ditto! . . .

By: Dr No : January 7th, 2025-19:20
. . . the compact Explorer 1 was an option, but a no-date Sub from a boutique is impossible to pass up.

Congratulations Art!

By: gregcarraram3 : January 8th, 2025-03:29
Awesome pickup!!! We got the same one a few weeks apart, I love mine, and I bet you will love yours!!!!

Congratulations Art….

By: marcD : January 8th, 2025-03:49
I have been waiting a long time for this day. Looking forward to seeing it in person. ...  

Actually, no! My first watch . . .

By: Dr No : January 8th, 2025-17:18
. . . was an AirKing . . . . . . precisely the same as this, with a Bahrain Petroleum Company decal on the dial. Dad got it for me from a colleague who had upgraded to another Rolex. Like the idiot I can be, I let it go for literally a quarter on the doll...