Gorgeous dial and pic my friend 👌🏻 [nt]

Sep 08, 2020,13:11 PM

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Some purple on the wrist today.

 By: R : September 8th, 2020-11:57

Mine says hello

 By: pmh6000 : September 8th, 2020-12:00

Love it! [nt]

 By: R : September 8th, 2020-12:01

Great picture. Compared

 By: Gwai : September 8th, 2020-13:22
to the new crop of OPs, this one looks downright understated now. Cheers Marc

Absolutely love that purple dial, more than any

 By: Thomas_3 : September 8th, 2020-13:29
of the new colors they just released.