:-))). Oh yeah!

Sep 19, 2023,19:42 PM

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Since the summer heat is still going strong here, enjoying some sweet Lemon-ade πŸ˜‹πŸ‹. What are you wearing to kick off the week ?

 By: holdemchamp1225 : September 11th, 2023-16:14
Put on the Limoncello as I was inspired by a friend wearing his JC Killy this morning πŸŒ„ ...  


 By: mdg : September 11th, 2023-16:22

Yes sir πŸ˜‰

 By: holdemchamp1225 : September 11th, 2023-22:17

What a beauty!

 By: TonyR : September 11th, 2023-16:22

Many thanks and totally agree πŸ‘

 By: holdemchamp1225 : September 11th, 2023-22:18


 By: Credor : September 11th, 2023-16:49

No disagreement from me πŸ˜‰πŸ€£

 By: holdemchamp1225 : September 11th, 2023-22:18

Couldn't agree more πŸ™

 By: holdemchamp1225 : September 11th, 2023-22:18

Lemon sunshine.

 By: hora12reborn : September 11th, 2023-17:07

Yes indeed πŸŒ„πŸŒ…

 By: holdemchamp1225 : September 19th, 2023-18:48

Just the way it should be 😊

 By: holdemchamp1225 : September 19th, 2023-18:48


 By: keks : September 11th, 2023-17:35
That is an amazing piece you got there!!! Enjoy!!!

Super clean, Justin. It’s all Halal over here, so no liquer…

 By: Lankysudanese : September 11th, 2023-18:07
but I’m trying to channel my inner Justin with this strap. ...  

Beautiful Rolex my friend! Well, thanks to you I am starting the week with the XPS!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : September 11th, 2023-18:53
It is unfreaking believably amazing! ...  

:-))). Oh yeah!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : September 19th, 2023-19:42

So many things to say!

 By: Arronax : September 11th, 2023-19:30
The restraint on the dial (2 lines!!), the legibility of subdials, the visual impact! Sometimes even the best like rolex should spend more time looking at some of their all time greats!

You said it all πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‹

 By: holdemchamp1225 : September 19th, 2023-18:50

I think Tom Brady had one of these on yesterday

 By: TeutonicCarFan : September 11th, 2023-19:53
Me now... ...  


 By: amanico : September 11th, 2023-20:46

To clarify

 By: TeutonicCarFan : September 11th, 2023-21:32
He was wearing the rolex not the montblanc minerva 😁

I understood. ;)

 By: amanico : September 11th, 2023-21:37

A true character.

 By: amanico : September 19th, 2023-22:04

Yes indeed πŸ˜‰

 By: holdemchamp1225 : September 24th, 2023-19:55

How do you beat that!

 By: fernando : September 12th, 2023-02:43

Just join in brother πŸ˜‰πŸ˜

 By: holdemchamp1225 : September 24th, 2023-19:56