Getting Tired of Watch Shopping...

Oct 28, 2022,21:11 PM all know the drill. Went into a well-known seller of independents today. As usual the sales woman was pretty but also pretty clueless. Some observations; Greubel Forsey are stunning but HUGE. I have a 7.25" wrist and wear a Submariner as a daily, but would look silly wearing one of these. And it is very thick. Please, kingdom for a thin watch. This is in the RD forum because they had a pre-owned perpetual that was flat-out gorgeous and priced fine, but too small at 37mm. I remarked to the saleswoman how beautiful the old-school RDs are. She proceeded to tell me that the new ones were even better, and held their value even more. Maybe she's right (I doubt it), but the new designs don't hold a candle to RD's original creations. Now get off my lawn!

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 By: mdg : October 28th, 2022-21:26
...from back when watchmakers knew how to make watches for humans...


 By: amanico : October 29th, 2022-06:09

It's a stunner and high on my list...

 By: mdg : October 28th, 2022-21:23
...I just need my wife's company to do an IPO : )

Lol, I keep telling my wife that 🤣

 By: Fastwong : October 28th, 2022-23:03
I have a 7.25 in wrist too, Greubel Signature 1 or Balancier Contemporain are the way to go for traditional sized GF. The (discontinued) 43mm GF cases are also very wearable, flat case backs and short lugs make them wear smaller. Agree with the FB3, that'...  

This one (in the photo) is definitely more my style...

 By: mdg : October 28th, 2022-23:39
...but how about the thickness? The ones I saw today were hockey pucks...

Not bad...

 By: mdg : October 29th, 2022-04:14
...but I consider GF to be a dress watch. My Sub, not so much : )


 By: chk : February 26th, 2024-12:36

Doing watch shopping without buying is also fun, you can't buy every time anyway...That's actually almost never when I buy, rather you use the time to chat with local people, see what they hide in the safe, have a coffee/drink, exchange views, etc. ;-)

 By: FabR : October 29th, 2022-00:30
As for a watch, why not some gorgeous non-round piece, such as a Gondolo, most of which are really a bargain? (Alas, all men's versions are now discontinued, so secondary dealers are the only recourse.) This 5124G is one of my modern favorites of the line...  

One of my favorites as well...

 By: mdg : October 29th, 2022-00:39
...I am a big fan of non-round cases as along as the movements are (like this one) shaped...

I stopped with watch shopping

 By: Weems@8 : October 29th, 2022-23:05
But not with watch loving. I am simply happy with my collection, and i am surprised how i can stay busy with measure the accuracy, changing straps, set time and dates, combining with cloths, taking photo’s, write stories, and take a break when needed. So,... 


 By: chk : July 8th, 2024-08:57
I wish I could wire myself the right way

I'm with you

 By: MilDiver : October 31st, 2022-07:33
Watch shopping, searching, window shopping, used to be fun, in many cases you had a good or great chat with the people at the store, sometimes a deeper discussion, but words and genuine smiles were part of the fun. Not anymore. Worse event EVER was in my ...