Cool shot.

May 26, 2024,23:32 PM

He's a fantastic coach, just not quite a magician like Mourinho in his heyday wink........

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Cool shot.

By: InHavenPro : May 26th, 2024-23:32
He's a fantastic coach, just not quite a magician like Mourinho in his heyday ........

I'm lovin', if they give me one as a gift too.

By: enjoythemusic : May 27th, 2024-00:23
Everyone seems to get one for free, i want to join the Me Too Movement. PS: My birthday is soon. i look forward to their gift. (. âť› á´— âť›.)

It’s a cool photo.

By: gary_g : May 26th, 2024-23:49
Not surprised he’s wearing a RM. it looks like most footballers are.

The coaches in particular seem to be, interestingly.

By: ArmisT : May 26th, 2024-23:58
Maybe they are all getting gifted by the bosses. The players themselves wear all types of pieces, a lot of Rolex and Pateks.

Yup, that’s true as well.

By: ArmisT : May 27th, 2024-01:23
Interesting to now see someone like Tom Brady sporting choice pieces even though I don’t recall him as being one of the watch heads during his playing years like many other athletes tend to be. Maybe it just wasn’t as clear to me in the pre-IG days.