I traveled the other day to a meeting in a corporate office building. While awaiting for people to arrive, I saw some birds at a distance congregating on the building edge. I thought to myself that these birds look a bit large to be pigeons, so I went to the window for a closer look. My picture quality stinks so they aren’t clear, but to my amazement these big birds turned out to be vultures (red, bald heads). Moreover, as they were standing on the edge, some of them had their wings held extended and were just swaying left to right in the wind! It was a very surprising scene for me first because I didn’t expect to see so many vultures out in the suburbs hanging out on a building, and second because I’ve never seen such a scene with a bird standing with wings extended for so long as if just airing themselves out. I don’t even think it was a mating ritual since a bunch of them were doing it seemingly very nonchalantly not caring if anyone (a female) was looking.