Flying home from Hawaii last night and saw this.

Nov 15, 2023,19:05 PM

Nature is truly amazing!

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 By: J K : November 15th, 2023-19:11

Tequila sunset!

 By: mblum3 : November 15th, 2023-19:29
Just gorgeous. Nature is the best artist!

Divine, mon ami.

 By: amanico : November 15th, 2023-22:29

Oh yes, beautiful.

 By: amanico : November 16th, 2023-08:48

What I see out the window of an airplane and what I can actually capture an image of are usually two completely different things...

 By: Gregineugene : November 16th, 2023-05:38
...but you managed to capture a great image here. Congratulations.