I have little doubt that the six chosen owners of the Grandmaster Chime

Oct 30, 2018,10:07 AM

were among the best Patek clients who would be pretty well heeled so I cannot imagine any of them needing the money. And if the owner did pass away, I would have thought the watch would be passed on to the next generation. I suppose the beneficiary of the watch might not quite appreciate the unquantifiable value of this gem (or perhaps he/she did!!! smile)

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It saddens me

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-09:48
to notice today that one of the six lucky owners of the Grandmaster Chime has decided to sell his watch. While browsing a popular used website, I could not help but notice the £11.7 million plus price tag being asked for which is almost 5 times the origin...  

I have little doubt that the six chosen owners of the Grandmaster Chime

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-10:07
were among the best Patek clients who would be pretty well heeled so I cannot imagine any of them needing the money. And if the owner did pass away, I would have thought the watch would be passed on to the next generation. I suppose the beneficiary of the... 

Thanks Raymond

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-12:33
but perhaps it should pass at least over one generation?!

Sounds so much like me :-)

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-12:58
and this expensive passion of ours!

It will pass onto many generations [nt]

 By: cbb in honor of Chamnong Bhirombhakdi : July 8th, 2020-05:40

It really should!

 By: sham1 : July 8th, 2020-05:46
Maybe not every Patek bought will be passed down to the next generation but one would have hoped that the lucky owners of the Grandmaster Chime would observe this tradition. Your dad did!

If I may, do you happen to know the other five owners?

 By: 1WatchMan : July 10th, 2020-16:42
I'm just curious, whether there was an special event for these best clients or the units were delivered individually. Thanks!

😉😉😉 [nt]

 By: cbb in honor of Chamnong Bhirombhakdi : July 25th, 2020-05:05

Got it, I guess 😜 [nt]

 By: 1WatchMan : July 25th, 2020-05:18

truth! there’s a black sheep in every family

 By: Joepny : October 30th, 2018-12:34
Also known as the idiot. 🤣🤣🤣

Eeeks! I think I am the official black sheep in mine!!

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-12:57
In that I am the only one who would keep a 5175R rather than sell it given half a chance. I might not wear it but I would definitely keep it to admire!

The Grandmaster Chime I believe

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-20:50
would be coveted by the majority of us for what it represents.

No, Sham you would be a good sheep in your family. 😁

 By: Joepny : October 30th, 2018-14:03
The idiot sheep is the one who squanders everything away.

Thank you for saying so

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-20:52
but unfortunately in my family, the bad sheep is the one who buys too many watches!!


 By: cbb in honor of Chamnong Bhirombhakdi : July 8th, 2020-05:40
I can almost guaranteed the sales will not happen!

The packaging I guess

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-10:21
can be quite heavy!

That explains it all!

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-20:54
Fair price then

Too right!!!

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-10:20
At that price, they should hand deliver it to any part of the world for free or at least offer to arrange a private jet for you to collect the watch. That is afterall the Patek way!

lol! [nt]

 By: emcquillan : October 30th, 2018-10:50

He he [nt]

 By: ChristianDK : October 30th, 2018-10:54

LOL! Good One! [nt]

 By: patrick_y : October 30th, 2018-11:19

Could be a trap... There might not be a watch at all. Bait for wealthy buyers when there's no watch to sell to build client lists...

 By: patrick_y : October 30th, 2018-11:23
I'm a little hesitant to post this because this could give bad souls good ideas... Iinitially I thought: All that vetting, and just a couple years later it's sold on "that" website. It's obvious that it's someone who doesn't know what he's doing to sell s... 

Interesting thought process Patrick.

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-11:32
Quite odd also that this watch is being sold by an Australian dealer. I am not implying that an Australian used dealer is not qualified to sell this watch but one would have thought it that if this was a genuine advertisement that it would be sold in the ... 

That surprised me as well.

 By: patrick_y : October 30th, 2018-11:59
I'd think the six owners (if it is truly only six) are clustered in those regions as well. Six is really an incredibly low number. Definitely hand picked by the Sterns themselves.

One for every Continent [nt]

 By: cbb in honor of Chamnong Bhirombhakdi : July 8th, 2020-05:42

That is very fair!

 By: sham1 : July 8th, 2020-05:48
But I understand that there are two prominent Patek collectors in Thailand so one has missed out!

Still, sad that there are only SIX! What a rarity!

 By: patrick_y : July 8th, 2020-14:07
But to be chosen by the Stern family as a worthy appreciator of Patek Philippe timepieces, that'd be a great honor! I'd be honored just to be considered!

Me too Patrick!

 By: sham1 : July 8th, 2020-14:19
It would be like being nominated for an Oscar!

Right! [nt]

 By: patrick_y : July 8th, 2020-14:37

Hmm, you are a mgmt consultant helping companies reach high-net worth individuals

 By: cazalea : October 30th, 2018-12:54
maybe YOU are the one just testing the waters on this watch ? OK, I guess not - it was just an idea. Cheerfully, Cazalea

Wished I could take credit... But it's too unethical of an idea for me...

 By: patrick_y : October 31st, 2018-08:57
I still find Tesla's price change of their Model 3 from $45,000 to $46,000 somewhat unethical. The car was released for five days and the price has already changed? Give me a break!

They changed the price by USD1k??

 By: sham1 : October 31st, 2018-09:23
Perhaps someone made a typo error between the 5 and 6 and it had to be corrected.


 By: patrick_y : October 31st, 2018-09:44
Price came out at $45,000. Then 5 days later... Price was $46,000.

Agree! [nt]

 By: cbb in honor of Chamnong Bhirombhakdi : July 8th, 2020-05:42

Thanks Sham for alerting us to this surprising sale. Although unthinkable, IMO we should...

 By: GLau : October 30th, 2018-11:28
not jump to conclusions without knowing the background story of why the owner wants to sell. Hopefully it is not simply for a profit if the owner does not really need the extra millions. BTW, I do not think it could sell for 5x original price.

If only all Pateks

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-11:44
could be sold for 5 times the original retail price!! okay, okay I am being too greedy here, I would settle for 4 times the original retail price!!

Agreed 100% Gordon!

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-11:39
The asking price is quite ludicrous considering a not too dissimilar 6300G is currently in production. But I am wondering who in their right sense of mind decided on the asking price and if the advertisement was genuine, what was the end target price that... 

Hi Sham, perhaps the dealer is testing the market and then with an informed price will...

 By: GLau : October 30th, 2018-11:43
approach owners to ask them to sell ? Alternatively I am watching and reading too many spy and conspiracy movies and novels ?

I always thought that the list of people

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-11:47
who ended up with a watch like the 5175R would be kept highly confidential. We know of one fellow purist who has one but only because the watch was shown in the forum. I can only guess who the other five lucky owners were. And yes, you are reading too man... 

Patek Philippe will be very careful with the list...

 By: patrick_y : October 30th, 2018-12:04
But this Australian dealer might sell his own list. Unless he signs a contract with every prospective buyer or has a Privacy Policy. Legally, he could sell the list.

Scary thought!! [nt]

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-12:10

Exactly my thoughts Gordon.

 By: patrick_y : October 30th, 2018-12:03
Seller wants to compile a list of wealthy watch collectors accustomed to overpaying for watches. This list alone is worth something. Google spends all day compiling lists and databases that are then sold to advertisers who want to target a specific segmen... 

You guys are reading the same spy books!! :-)

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-12:08
but I seriously doubt anyone in the market for a grandmaster chime would pay that amount of money and therefore, would not contact the dealer in the first place.

Oui oui, we must be reading a lot of Le Carre spy novels... Or Fleming novels.

 By: patrick_y : October 31st, 2018-11:17
Ian Fleming intended James Bond to wear a Rolex Submariner, not an Omega. And James Bond was supposed to drive a Bentley, not an Aston Martin.

And thank goodness Mr Fleming's intentions were not realised! :-)

 By: sham1 : October 31st, 2018-11:29
as it helped Aston survive but saying that, it means the DB5 has become quite unaffordable. In fact all the DBs from the 50s and 60s seem to have no upper price ceiling. As for Rolex, I dare say if James had been wearing a Submariner, it would be competin... 

Aston Martin has gone bankrupt 007 times...

 By: patrick_y : November 1st, 2018-00:34
Seventh time is the charm! In the Sean Connery James Bond films, Bond does wear a Rolex Submariner!

That may have been Sean's own watch

 By: sham1 : November 1st, 2018-03:49
until the product placement by Omega!

The story I heard from people who worked in the movie product placement business...

 By: patrick_y : November 1st, 2018-10:37
People who worked in the movie product placement business (but not specifically for the James Bond movie) told me that EON Productions (movie company) tried to make it accurate by including the Rolex; Rolex wouldn't loan or gift the movie producers a watc... 

Thanks Patrick!

 By: sham1 : November 1st, 2018-10:42
I have learned something new!

Glad you did...

 By: patrick_y : November 1st, 2018-11:26
With a charismatic leader who has not been shy saying he wants to bring Aston Martin to a new segment of women buyers, a new designer, and a fresh product line; Aston Martin has gone public. After being a company that has gone bankrupt seven times. This p... 


 By: sham1 : November 1st, 2018-12:08
I certainly hope not, at least not during my life time. I would miss the sound of the V8 or V12 burbling away at idle. How did we manage to move from the Grandmaster Chime to Aston Martin??!!

Ha! Ha!

 By: sham1 : November 1st, 2018-19:08
That's the beauty of this forum Patrick!!

It is quite large to honest

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-12:06
at 47mm plus and is more a demonstration of Patek's technical prowess especially in the field of minute repetition and grand sonnerie. Still, it would be nice to know that the owners did wear their watches at least on very special occasions.

The picture was missing

 By: FRAMII : October 30th, 2018-12:17

Oh wow!!

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-12:23
Spoilt for choice!!! To see one is amazing, to see two is almost unfair to the eyes

Was a good day :-) all 3 in one go :-)

 By: FRAMII : October 30th, 2018-12:38

I can't take this!!

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-13:01
Way too much at 4am in Kuala Lumpur!! Am I dreaming???!!!

I think I remember Mr Trump purchasing this watch.

 By: Costa (aka Connie) : October 30th, 2018-12:22
I believe I read it in a watch magazine. Now 100 % sure however. Can anybody confirm this?

I hope no one can confirm this!!! :-)

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-12:24
In the words of John McEnroe 'You cannot be serious!!'

I think I figured it out. Trump likely does not own the Grand master Chime.

 By: Costa (aka Connie) : October 31st, 2018-00:26
Back during 2016 US election there was an article in Forbes magazine which picked a watch which they thought would fit the personality of each presidential thought that The grand master chime would be fitting for candidate Trump. I guess big ego equals b... 

Phew! Thank God!!! :-)

 By: sham1 : October 31st, 2018-00:36
If size matters, he should be walking around with a U Boat watch!


 By: Nono01 : October 30th, 2018-12:23
So six owners but there are eight Grandmasters listed on that website. hmmmm

To clarify

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-12:31
there were only six 5175Rs produced for the 175th anniversary of Patek Philippe in 2014. The 6300G that you see on the website came out later and is not a limited edition watch although it is an application piece ie Patek would vet each and every potentia... 

To clarify

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-12:31
there were only six 5175Rs produced for the 175th anniversary of Patek Philippe in 2014. The 6300G that you see on the website came out later and is not a limited edition watch although it is an application piece ie Patek would vet each and every potentia... 


 By: Nono01 : October 30th, 2018-12:56
My bad. tnx for clarification!

You are absolutely correct!

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-12:55
Seven were produced, one for the museum and six for sale. I tend not to count the one that is not for sale!

Fortunes or priorities change over time. Sad but true.

 By: geross : October 30th, 2018-14:01
Let's just respect the collector's move to sell. At one point in time. He had the privilege of owning a very complicated Patek. Cheers to all. 😅 Geross

Yes it is the prerogative for any collector to sell a watch

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-21:04
but this is THE Grandmaster Chime, one of the most special wrist watches ever made. I personally feel that if the collector had wanted to sell it, he should have offered it to Patek first as the company had given him the privilege to acquire it. Assuming ... 

Sham! Don't be sad.

 By: TheMadDruid : October 30th, 2018-14:24
Now there's one available for you!

You know how I am with size Mike!! :-)

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-21:05
The watch is arguably 10mm too large but hey, a great piece nevertheless to ogle at. I need a lawyer's income!!!

Not necessarily.

 By: TheMadDruid : October 31st, 2018-07:27
You just need to be quick.

Speed has never been my problem Mike

 By: sham1 : October 31st, 2018-09:20
£11.7m though is a bit over my budget

Speed can take care of that problem.

 By: TheMadDruid : October 31st, 2018-09:29
Maybe you're not understanding what I'm suggesting.

Your creative and ingenious brain Mike

 By: sham1 : October 31st, 2018-09:33
is obviously in a different league from mine!

Only one slight problem

 By: sham1 : October 31st, 2018-19:40
I doubt with Mike around if we are going to get any wrist time or any time with the watch!!! He might however reward us with one of his Richard Lange Pour Le Merite (he has two!!! )

😎😂 [nt]

 By: FabR : October 31st, 2018-20:23

Regardless aesthetically the watch is way too much...

 By: SALMANPK : October 30th, 2018-15:12
The case engraving and the lugs extended from the case just don't do it for me. Would have been more interesting to see the watch with all these complications in a simple elegant case. S

Then this watch should suit you fine Salman :-)

 By: sham1 : October 30th, 2018-21:09
The 6300G with no hand engravings ...  

Thank you Sham....

 By: SALMANPK : October 31st, 2018-04:15
That does look much better, actually its very nice, never saw it before. Thank you again for sharing that. S

I am glad you like it Salman

 By: sham1 : October 31st, 2018-09:18
It is a quite amazing watch and I am glad Patek added this to its regular range even if the waiting list is many years long and via application only.

It would be a dream for almost all of us Salman.

 By: sham1 : October 31st, 2018-23:44
And I am very much like you as I too am happy and blessed with the few watches that I already own

You may be sad

 By: watch-er : November 1st, 2018-06:32
but sometimes life forces us to do things for our continued existence. Regardless of how much money a person may have , this is a lot of money to have tied up in a watch and perhaps in this case it needed to be put to better use.

I agree to an extent

 By: sham1 : November 1st, 2018-10:08
but there are four watches in the history of watch making that have been allocated to some very special collectors, many of whom are probably worth more than we can count. These four watches are not quite priceless but their complexities and exclusitivity... 

Things are getting even more interesting (or unbelievable?), as I was looking at C24 today and now there are as many as *two* 5175 advertised on sale!

 By: FabR : December 9th, 2018-13:38
The one you saw earlier for $14.8M is still up, and now there's also one from a HK dealer for $13.7M... I never received a $1.1M discount in my life, so I'll probably buy the second just to see how it feels.

Indeed, most likely zero and zero. And some of these people are not even very good at it...

 By: FabR : December 9th, 2018-15:34
The smartest of these 5531 sellers (who's, of course, also selling a 5175) is the one that mixes pics of the NYC LE with the Lake Geneva edition... sad! ;-)

Silly exercise at the end of the day

 By: sham1 : December 9th, 2018-18:09
because people will just blacklist these sellers when they find out that they do not have alleged watches.

Do post photos of your new acquisition! :-)

 By: sham1 : December 9th, 2018-18:07
This gives a whole new meaning to buying on the internet!!

A possible world record!!!

 By: sham1 : December 31st, 2018-10:22
Why not??!! And on chrono24 of all places!!

I try to be understanding when I see

 By: beejo : December 11th, 2018-09:36
Collectors selling there special pieces,Specially when it’s done when done twice it’s much worse,I recall you sold your 5575G and 5131R (Sealed) .Correct me if I am wrong please.

Your recollection is correct!

 By: sham1 : December 11th, 2018-09:50
I loved my 5575G but most unfortunately, the watch was accidentally scratched by a friend's diamond ring and it was never the same afterwards. The 5575G remains my all time favourite world timer due to its enchanting moon and I would even consider buying ... 

Maybe the owner has his own reason

 By: beejo : December 11th, 2018-10:15
As well.I am in no place to judge either you or him/her !

Point taken!

 By: sham1 : December 11th, 2018-10:30
I think firstly it is worth mentioning that this watch is being advertised for more than 5 times its RRP which is quite astonishing by any standards as the watch is four years old at most. Secondly is the fact that this watch is being sold on the internet... 

I am gobsmacked!

 By: sham1 : July 8th, 2020-06:01
An unofficial world record if it actually sold at that price!

IMO this is a ...

 By: GLau : July 8th, 2020-07:41
FAKE post !

More likely than not!

 By: sham1 : July 8th, 2020-08:21
The Grandmaster Chime is an amazing watch but $50m is a huge amount of money even for this masterpiece.

Ok, confirmed fake

 By: sham1 : July 9th, 2020-16:02
based on CBB's confirmation in her latest post.

Yes, very "glad" this one was a fake ad (like probably all other 5175 ads that regularly popped up ;-) Great also to hear from Cbb that she has no intention to sell this piece!

 By: FabR : July 9th, 2020-16:22
We are speaking of a real milestone in the history of not only Patek but all of horology, so I badly hope all six of these 5175 will never change hands! ;-) Cheers.

haha, I guessed ...

 By: GLau : July 10th, 2020-08:49
correctly !

Yep, sadly, but chances are some (or all !) of the others are also fake. Hopefully, at least with Cbb's model, after her clarification nobody got scammed or involved any further.

 By: FabR : July 10th, 2020-09:53
If any other owner of a 5175 had their pictures stolen by criminals and is reading this thread, they are of course most welcome to contact us, so to clear their name and prevent any innocent third parties from getting scammed👍 Cheers.