Been fishing Bill ..

Dec 22, 2018,10:19 AM

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That is how my keeper looks like

 By: radone : December 22nd, 2018-01:25
Happy Holidays to everyone! R ...  

The R is just mesmerizing!

 By: Pretty Boy : December 22nd, 2018-01:50
Happy Holidays, Radone. Best, Volker

Thank you, Volker! [nt]

 By: radone : December 22nd, 2018-06:43

Or that!

 By: radone : December 22nd, 2018-06:46

My kind of ocean picture.

 By: Bill : December 22nd, 2018-04:38
Have a very happy holiday seadon. Looking forward to many more great shots. Bill ...  

Been fishing Bill ..

 By: Cpt Scarlet : December 22nd, 2018-10:19

My 1000 post is to thank you and this community

 By: radone : December 22nd, 2018-05:26
for hundreds of instructive hours spent here. I am not much of a “poster”, I know, but I enjoy my time here a lot. To celebrate, here’s a pic of my current line-up which I find very balanced and practical. I know, I am missing some “independent”, most lik...  

Thank you, Nicolas! [nt]

 By: radone : December 22nd, 2018-05:50

Thank you, Moana! [nt]

 By: radone : December 22nd, 2018-05:51

lovely shot and well taken

 By: benlee338 : December 23rd, 2018-01:49
tks for sharing

Thanks! [nt]

 By: radone : December 23rd, 2018-03:27