A roll call for this? 😅

Jul 28, 2021,14:25 PM

You might be alone here my friend. I wish i could join.

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I am speechless….. Look at this stunning timepiece

 By: CFS : July 28th, 2021-14:22
Lets make a roll call. ...  

A roll call for this? 😅

 By: @lberti : July 28th, 2021-14:25
You might be alone here my friend. I wish i could join.

Second one on the forum

 By: WLF046 : July 28th, 2021-14:30
Nope he his not alone. got mine last week ...  


 By: CFS : July 28th, 2021-14:55

I thought Volker had one too

 By: Centurionone : July 28th, 2021-14:59

Yep, true.

 By: Pretty Boy : July 28th, 2021-15:40


 By: Koozy : July 28th, 2021-15:18
It's so rare to see one actually on a wrist, is the wrist photoshopped?!?!?

A Little Bit 🤗

 By: CFS : July 28th, 2021-15:26

So cool to see! Pure madness is going on! My best Congrats!

 By: JackMcLaessig : July 28th, 2021-15:51
Not even H. STERN was able to land one for himself!

True! ;-)

 By: FabR : July 28th, 2021-16:18

Yes, green!

 By: Tchela1 : August 23rd, 2021-22:51
I stand corrected! 😀


 By: Watch_kha_wen : July 28th, 2021-16:37
They did not even let me take a picture of it when I tried it at the boutique haha Kev

Huge congrats on the 5711

 By: GLau : July 28th, 2021-17:15
green GIANT ! Let’s see how many shows up in your post !

Congrats! Top class!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : July 28th, 2021-17:28

I tried both greens and still hoping

 By: Centurionone : July 28th, 2021-17:29

In a heartbeat 😍

 By: Centurionone : July 29th, 2021-07:52
I wouldn’t make it my daily beater though like the other steel 5711s 🤣

Middle one, all the way

 By: @lberti : July 28th, 2021-21:55

Stock still coming?

 By: JBB : July 28th, 2021-17:31
I heard stock was allocated to dealers and they are now gone. Any insight?

A new batch was delivered in August

 By: Patekphilippecollector : August 23rd, 2021-19:08

Last delivery

 By: LPcanon : September 5th, 2021-23:57
Would you think the last delivery will be in February, as usual??

No...I think it will be over this year and new

 By: Patekphilippecollector : September 8th, 2021-13:00
6711 in December

5740R would be hot

 By: Patekphilippecollector : September 9th, 2021-12:19

Haha … or a greeen 5740 or 5712 ?

 By: HobbyCentric : September 9th, 2021-12:56


 By: afaleh : July 29th, 2021-00:50
You lucky bastard!!!!

Only can share that pic

 By: uaewatchguy : August 24th, 2021-13:41

Where are the diamond bexel owners.

 By: Patekphilippecollector : August 24th, 2021-03:52


 By: Horology_Ancienne : September 6th, 2021-02:19