When I was employed, I assisted . . .

Aug 17, 2019,14:03 PM

. . . on a controversial case that made its way to our corporate legal department.  The head of the legal department was intimately involved.

When he became aware of my connection with the case, he asked my boss if I was a lawyer. 


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Seamaster 1948

 By: Watch_kha_wen : August 17th, 2019-10:23
Tried both models...but decided not to go for it as I found the mugs too big making the watch too big for my wrist... Kev ...  

It could be that 'fat lugs' are more aesthetically attuned with the original cases . . .

 By: Dr No : August 17th, 2019-11:25
. . . sized between 34 and 36 mm than this current larger version. What may be pleasing for one . . . . . . might not be for the other. ;-) ...  

hahaha love the analogy! and so true tho

 By: Watch_kha_wen : August 17th, 2019-12:31
I don't think the watch is too big, but it's definitely not fitting my wrist. I believe that a 38mm is ok usually for me but all depends on the details ie lugs etc... Surprisingly i found the submariner ok on my wrist although it's a 40mm Kev

When I was employed, I assisted . . .

 By: Dr No : August 17th, 2019-14:03
. . . on a controversial case that made its way to our corporate legal department. The head of the legal department was intimately involved. When he became aware of my connection with the case, he asked my boss if I was a lawyer.

LOL!!! [nt]

 By: amanico : August 17th, 2019-14:04

Oh yes...I believe I'll take the one in all black -

 By: YpJ : August 21st, 2019-21:43
...I'm talking about the 1948 Seamaster with the all black strap and dauphine hands.

yeah that's why i finally decided not to pull the trigger on that one.

 By: Watch_kha_wen : August 17th, 2019-12:32
Sticking to my 36/37mm watches for now Kev

Yeah big mugs man they got there place though

 By: Tegis : August 17th, 2019-14:23
Love the dial+hands on the small second one but a sligthly more petite case would suite my taste better at the moment. ...  

LOL! [nt]

 By: amanico : August 17th, 2019-15:17

The central second version has too short hands.

 By: hoseachandra : August 17th, 2019-16:38
Prefer the sub-dial second. But yes I think the lugs are too thick. Nice watches though.

Hi there

 By: Watch_kha_wen : August 22nd, 2019-05:31
The bracelet comes from a little boutique in Paris handmade but I reckon you can get those from amazon too. They do all the Colors. Kev

I also decided against it! Somehow for similar reasons...

 By: MCG (Markus) : August 19th, 2019-02:44
-I do like the beautiful feuille hands, but somehow they are not fitting the sportive case and the broad bezel. It should have been just a bit slightly more elegant...Although I like the 38mm size, with the slighly smaller bezel, it would have resultet in...  


 By: Watch_kha_wen : August 19th, 2019-09:50
Re the engraving on the back I SO AGREE with you it’s just a real shame. I believe they wanted to make it special but the render gives a kinda “cheap” aspect of it unfortunately (IMO) Kev