I see!

Feb 13, 2024,00:14 AM

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A rainy Summer Monday morning with my Omega Ultra Deep on my wrist…

By: Subexplorer : February 12th, 2024-20:12
… with a few shots taken with my Randall Model 16 diver’s knife. Famous maker Randall Made Knives from Orlando, Florida offers this model in several configurations to fit the tastes of every diver as you can see here. Have a nice week ahead my dear watch ...  

Hello dear Goodfellow: Thanks for viewing! The watch is big and specially to note is is its thickness (18 mm). My wrist is thin at 7" (17 cms) and I prefer to wear it with the dark blue single pass Nato...

By: Subexplorer : February 12th, 2024-22:14
... you can see on those pictures. Anyway, the original Omega Nato is of much better quality but it raises the height a bit more and also it wears too thick on the sides for me. This is the problem for me with all conventional Natos so I prefer the single... 

Thank you dear Abel

By: Derreck : February 13th, 2024-21:01
It’s been a very informative thread and review with beautiful photos. Thank you for taking the time and posting. May you use your watch in many happy days


By: myles721 : February 12th, 2024-20:39
Just checked out those knives…VERY impressive. I keep a dive knife on the boat but these are really something!!!

Hello dear Myles! Glad you like these knives. A good diving watch is a great tool to have in a boat and an essential safety tool for a diver. As you know divers do not need a knife...

By: Subexplorer : February 12th, 2024-22:24
... to fight sharks or octopus but to cut fishing lines or rope underwater or other cutting tasks on a boat. Lol! Though there are several great diving knives in the market I feel that Randall knives are the best you can get. It is a big knife (7-1/2" bla...  

Wore mine recently, Abel . . .

By: Dr No : February 12th, 2024-21:48
. . . but back to vintage the last few weeks, mostly Black Connie and Great White. Ever so glad going for the Ultra Deep . . . not much appetite left for other divers. ;-) ...  

Chunkier in steel, too . . .

By: Dr No : February 12th, 2024-21:56
. . . so while I get the preference for titanium, and could've gone in that direction, am still satisfied with the choice made with a nod towards traditional construction.

Enormous wrist presence!

By: S F : February 13th, 2024-00:54
The original nato with the center blue stripe is well matched with the blue numerals. The UD goes well with your collection of diving knives too dear Abel! Cheers!