Thank you John

Aug 28, 2019,14:00 PM

I’m sure I will enjoy this piece enormously

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New acquisition

 By: Brego : August 28th, 2019-07:32
Please excuse the poor quality phone picture, but I just had to share my excitement with my latest acquisition, a wonderful JLC Memovox International in steel. A limited edition too. ...  

Very nice and relatively uncommon JLC...

 By: vitalsigns : August 28th, 2019-10:29
embodied in a quintessential JLC: the Memovox. Congrats, and enjoy it. John

Thank you John

 By: Brego : August 28th, 2019-14:00
I’m sure I will enjoy this piece enormously

Super cool!

 By: Brandon Skinner : August 28th, 2019-10:59
Now that you own one I feel you may disagree, but I think JLC should bring this into production for their catalog. I love the idea of a mechanical alarm, but would rarely actually use it assign from just having a nice listen. Same goes with the world time... 

Thank you

 By: Brego : August 28th, 2019-14:02
I find the alarm option extremely useful, specially now that my wife and I have exiled our smartphones from the bedroom between midnight and six am.


 By: DRV83 : August 28th, 2019-12:39
looks good on you👍🏼

Thank you sir [nt]

 By: Brego : August 28th, 2019-14:02


 By: Brego : August 28th, 2019-14:04
I’ve had my eye on this model for some years now, so when the opportunity presented itself, I pounced.


 By: berlin90 : August 28th, 2019-18:59
I wear my 1968 SS Memovox daily, a favorite watch of mine.

Thank you! [nt]

 By: Brego : August 29th, 2019-02:58

Limited edition?

 By: benjr : August 29th, 2019-05:04
Great watch! I know the old smaller model. How limited is it?