Prefer the steel. But the steel with red dial is a stunner!

May 20, 2023,21:35 PM

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Jaeger Lecoultre Tribute to Reverso 1931.

By: amanico : May 20th, 2023-21:07
Issued in 2011, that was the other good surprise of the year. The first one being the Tribute To Deep Sea Alarm which received an hysterical welcome. The TT Reverso 1931 was warmly welcomed, even by some Paneristi friends of mine, who ordered it immediate...  

Ahh, that's good then!

By: patrick_y : May 20th, 2023-21:59
As superluminova will degrade, and after 40 years you may have little flakes on your dial.


By: patrick_y : May 20th, 2023-22:08
But Superluminova won't last forever. So I prefer to not have it on my dial if possible. Of course, there are exceptions made. ...