Not Funky...?

Feb 03, 2014,03:05 AM

Doesn't matter!

Don't be shy - please join in!





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Funky Memovoxes - A paired journey into the 70ies!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 2nd, 2014-00:04
Tomorrow will be the first day of five days Funky 70s Memovox party! Me and my friend HS are planning to wear five different Funky Memovox references during the next week. It will be a feast of big, bulky, funky ladies! Please join in  Funky or not, Mem...  

Superb ads, as usual, my friend. The Snowdrop Bumper is certainly a great one.

 By: amanico : February 2nd, 2014-00:43
No JLC for me, today. But I will follow that thread with interest. Best, Nicolas

We still would love .. Your chip-in.. Maybe another MMV..

 By: hs111 : February 2nd, 2014-07:20
.. which might be from time(s) just before or after OR something illustrating the DNA and/ or development etc Or maybe the colorful variations for the Polaris II, which, in a way is of similar texture and type, I guess But of course, "Chacun á son gout !"... 

No JLC today...

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 2nd, 2014-10:02
I do hope to see atleast one or two on your wrist next week! :) Best, my friend Blomman

More than that!!!

 By: amanico : February 2nd, 2014-10:11

You have a army of Funky Memovox, Stefan!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 2nd, 2014-10:03
Of course you should join! :) See you tomorrow, my friend Best Blomman

Funky Memovoxes - A Paired Journey into the 70ies

 By: hs111 : February 2nd, 2014-07:50
Here from the common cockpit: The Co- Pilot speaking: Hello, everybody - in addition to Blommans Spoiler/ and Announcement post this morning, some little Ins & Outs, from what we will do - but all this with your participation: Welcome, also from my side.....  

Ah, a photo from when they still was a pair!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 2nd, 2014-10:00
So, HS - tomorrow we start! :) But to tell you a secret.... I could not help myself... Was wearing the E 861 for some time today! ;) It was snowing and cold outside - but oh, shewas sweet on the wrist! :) Best, my friend Blomman ...  

That's perfect : so she will be warmed up, on your wrist.. :))

 By: hs111 : February 2nd, 2014-10:41
.. Mine is also ready for the call.. I have been wearing this one for most of the day.. But as of tomorrow : JLC all over !! But I can disclose one shot from the " ready"- shelf: She is ready for tomorrow.. Like you & me.. :) Best, my friend, hs PS: you s...  

I will be merciful. ;)

 By: amanico : February 2nd, 2014-10:47

Yes, just warming up... ;)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 2nd, 2014-11:50
Ah, the BP FF - another blind spot for me... A topic I haven't started... Yet... Best Blomman

WOW! You have two E 861???

 By: amanico : February 2nd, 2014-10:12

Nooo, you know it better : one from the Nordic friend, the other is mine

 By: hs111 : February 2nd, 2014-10:30
.. And, BTW : I forgot to credit our friend Blomman for the pic, which he took, before meeting with the happy recipient (of the 861) - well, and.. you..... ;) - But for this little "fun- thread- event" we synced us, that I should post the "twin" shots, wh... 

Suuuper ! .. That is great !.. These are really perfect paradigms of Funkyness :))

 By: hs111 : February 2nd, 2014-10:45
.. Thank you very much for supporting this thread ! :)) We need - as so many times - magic powers, from Vlad, and/ or Dr Mamadu Best, hs

Allow me some time, but I will feed the topic with them.

 By: amanico : February 2nd, 2014-10:48
I don't have many Funky Memos, by the way... 4, I think... Best, Nicolas

4 (!!)- few for you, just +1 for me, +xx for The Norseman.. None for many here. (?!)

 By: hs111 : February 2nd, 2014-11:07
Yess, perfect, if you co - feed the thread as well; - THAT is great, thanks sooo much ! Also , as we hope, to entice chip- ins with different colors etc. - and hopefully there will be some others to feed the fun-pot .. Thank you again, hs :)

Funky Memovoxes Day #1

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 2nd, 2014-22:31
Good Morning! As announced: Let's start with the E 861 - Here are 10 good reasons why! :) 1969: Memovox Automatic Calendar 1970: A Wrist Alarm That Rings for You Hope you will have a great day! :) Best Blomman ...  

Funky Memovoxes - Day 1 / cont'd

 By: hs111 : February 2nd, 2014-22:48
Hello, everybody - And a very Good Morning ! :) After Blomman's and our Intro yesterday , today is the Day 1 of our "Paired Journey into the 70ies", and - our watch of today is, as said before, the E861, a real paradigm for the Funky Memovoxes: Here she i...  

Yes, indeed.. Already the reading is a funny pleasure.. The way, it was introduced, & else

 By: hs111 : February 2nd, 2014-23:19
Good morning, Nico ! .. Thanks for your kind looking Should have been a nice start into the week, A start with a smile... Thanks for your support, as well ! Best, hs :)

The description of the modern busy man is so funny.

 By: amanico : February 2nd, 2014-23:22
> Spa > Dinner with x > Flight for NY. The poor x doesn't have much time with her boyfriend... Between a Sauna and an overseas flight... But the guy has a Memovox, so he doesn't care. We can always re interpret the messages from these ads. That is a game ... 

Yes, indeed.. Amusement starts when imagining such..The game mentioned could be cute..

 By: hs111 : February 2nd, 2014-23:33
In a way, almost like a time- machine.. - Among other things, nothing electronic yet, and maybe a little less stress sometimes ; But that would also be through the eye of the beholder visiting, the time- traveller.. Like that concept !.. Ok, back into pre... 

Cool stuff, cheers! [nt]

 By: Asimut : February 3rd, 2014-02:40

Great to see you here, HS! :)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 3rd, 2014-10:19
And thank you for reminding me of this booklet! Had forgotten all about it... :) Best, my friend Blomman

Yes, it is this nice peek into a not to distant past.. Well,..

 By: hs111 : February 3rd, 2014-10:23
..just the right framework for our paired Journey into the Funky 70ies.. Awaiting your evening announcement ! Have further fun ! hs

I join the band

 By: Clavi : February 3rd, 2014-02:15
Here is E861 on its period original Jaeger LeCoultre Elephant skin strap (!) ...  

I guess it was PC at the time ;-)

 By: Asimut : February 3rd, 2014-02:39
Thanks for sharing! Asi

Elephant skin strap ?!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 3rd, 2014-03:02
Wow, Clavi - that must be the first time I see one of these! Mine also came with the original strap, but black calf... Thank you for joining, my friend - guess you will have more add in the upcomming days... :) Best Blomman

Funky Memovoxes Day #1 - Midday...

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 3rd, 2014-03:06

E861 & Courrèges ?

 By: karmin : February 3rd, 2014-03:57
Here is mine, too... [URL=] [/URL] Not a pic of the day, but definitely the one on my wrist today. Just need to find the right crowns & plexi for it. I cannot remember where exactly, but I read that the E 861 was somehow linked to the clothes' designe...  

In one of the booklet of that time, if I remember well...

 By: amanico : February 3rd, 2014-08:02
I have to find it again, but I do have the same feeling than you... Best, Nicolas

Courrèges ?

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 3rd, 2014-10:23
Didn't know that! Correct crowns should not be too hard to find. A new plexi might be harder to find... These "chimny" shaped plexi don't come arround often... Happy to have you joining, Karim! :) Best Blomman

Patou ?

 By: karmin : February 4th, 2014-06:52
Ok thanks for the information. But I guess that, since Jean Patou passed away in the mid 1930's, the design of the watch has been taken care of by an other designer ? Best Karmin

We do?! :)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 3rd, 2014-10:25
Same brand...? A German brand starting with a "B" and ends with a double "S", lets call it BXSS... ;) We have very similar taste, my friend! Best Blomman

Bonus pic Day #1 - E 877

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 3rd, 2014-10:39
Since the E 877 Snowdrop didn't make it into the five days... I will add these here - especially for you, Nilo! :) 1972: Gold finger... ;) Best Blomman ...  

Super Trio, my friend.

 By: amanico : February 3rd, 2014-11:09

Thank you, my friend!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 3rd, 2014-12:30
Yes, I am as crazy as you - but with E 877 instead of E 870... ;) Best Blomman

Funky Memovoxes Day #1 / cont'd

 By: FanFrancisco : February 3rd, 2014-07:37
... happy to join the theme and am lucky to be able to have this one to contribute to Day #1 ...  

lol, Nico!

 By: FanFrancisco : February 6th, 2014-08:38

But how true! :) [nt]

 By: amanico : February 6th, 2014-08:46

KoF - King of Funk! :)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 3rd, 2014-10:28
Excellent, Stefan! We knew we could count on you, my friend! :) Best Blomman

One last photo / document of the E 861...

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 3rd, 2014-12:59
And then I will put her back in the box... Please note the 1/5 second lines and the brushed case - two key elements of her charm! :) 1968: Watches and Jewelery End of Day #1... Best Blomman ...  

Very nice! While I own some from this era, they

 By: Asimut : February 3rd, 2014-02:41
are not Funky :-) Cheers, Asi

Not Funky...?

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 3rd, 2014-03:05
Doesn't matter! Don't be shy - please join in! :) Best Blomman

Funky Memovoxes - Day 1 / mid- afternoon .. :))

 By: hs111 : February 3rd, 2014-07:31
Hello, everyone again : Has been a clouded, grey day with some ice- rain (brrr); But she has been a good companion ! Ready to move.. Kind greetings everyone ! It really sits 'snugly' on the wrist.. Friendly face and nice indices.. My best, and unt...  

But you have soooo many others instead !.. And we are empty handed !.. But we.. ;)

 By: hs111 : February 3rd, 2014-07:42
.. may/will further practice to ... well, look,and learn, and re-learn and IF - only IF, there is something in the boxes.. THEN.. we'll try to be there on the "qui vive ".. ;) Thanks for your your good company, also here at this thread ! :) Best, hs

I like the lizard combo! :) [nt]

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 3rd, 2014-10:29

Yes, Yes and triple YES, thank you.. Very nice snowdrop.. All the hallmarks of the 70ies !

 By: hs111 : February 3rd, 2014-07:53
.. interesting, how the shape of the cases change from 861, 871, 872.. to 877; - here almost an ufo - I like that, a lot ! - Extravaganza and some element of timeless design Thank you, dear friend ! best, hs

:)))) & !!!!

 By: hs111 : February 3rd, 2014-07:58

Ah, finally! MemoVlad is joining! :)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 3rd, 2014-10:30
The Black Snowdrop is a marvel ! :) Best, my friend Blomman

Funky Memovoxes Day #2 will be....

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 3rd, 2014-13:08
The E 871 ! :) The E 871 came in two dial configurations: Blue/Silver and Orange/Grey. Still miss the orange... 1972: Memovox is a great tool to crach a meeting for some snack...! ;) See you all tomorrow! Best Blomman ...  

LOL Love that last snack scan

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : February 3rd, 2014-13:43
Lovely thread my friend looking forward and counting Best D

Four more days to come.... :)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 3rd, 2014-14:21
Great to have you with, dear fried! :) Will make our best, not to disapoint you.... Best Blomman

Now I can play! :)

 By: amanico : February 3rd, 2014-13:44

Funky Memovoxes - A paired Journey into the 70 ies.. Day 1 settled

 By: hs111 : February 3rd, 2014-13:55
The Funky Memovoxes - A paired Journey into the 70ies Calling it a day for our Day-1: Hello everybody, again : here from the Cockpit of our paired journey for the conclusion of our common Day 1: In addition to Blomman's announcement, some short lines: We ...  

Thank you for the summation of Day #1

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 3rd, 2014-14:19
Tomorrow is a new day, my dear co-pilot! :) Best Blomman

Funky Memovoxes Day #2

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 3rd, 2014-22:09
Good Morning! As announced: Day #2 will be the E 871. We go from the "Egg" (E 861) to the "TV" (E 871)... 1971: Memovox line up. Talking about TV - there was a Sports show on TV when I was growing up called "Sportspegeln" here in Sweden... The E 871 alway...  

TV Screen....

 By: amanico : February 3rd, 2014-22:24
Here is one, the olny one I have, by the way. ...  

I simply LOVE yours !.. With that super contrast in grey- orange-/red.. What..

 By: hs111 : February 4th, 2014-00:01
.. a great screen.. to watch TV ! - Also the other shape of the Plexi.. a bit peculiar, but sooo nice ! Good Morning and thanks for your share ! :) :) Have a very good day , for us here Day 2.. Best, hs

Ah, the T-Vlad! :)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 4th, 2014-03:09
Wonderful - I love the orange second hand! :) Best Blomman

I can still play on day #2

 By: Clavi : February 4th, 2014-01:57
Let's see for how long I can keep up with the game. Today, I am lucky to be able to play again. My contributions to the E871 feast Keep them coming ! ...  

Stunning pair, Clavi!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 4th, 2014-03:15
I think you will be able to play on all the days to come, my friend! :) Best Blomman

probably yes

 By: Clavi : February 4th, 2014-03:45
I probably can play every day, but only if there isn't any Pola II involved (never got hold of it when I had a chance as I thought it was too uggly, and then when I started to collect with no considerations for aesthetics, its price had gone out of reach ... 

LOL, my feelings fro the E 874 is the same you have for the E 870....

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 4th, 2014-09:12
I never got arround to the E 874 due to the GP case... But, honestly - I must confess that I at several occations has been thinking about adding it only to "close" the gap! ;) Nither the E 870 or the E 877 will be in the five days - so, please keep playin... 

Funky Memovoxes Day #2 - Midday

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 4th, 2014-03:21

I miss mine ...

 By: nilomis : February 4th, 2014-05:27
But it is on the very good wrist of a dear friend: Cheers, Nilo ...  

These are very nice shots !.. Specifically the Static w monkey is cute !

 By: hs111 : February 4th, 2014-06:24
,, thank you for kind looking, and your chipping in ! Best, hs

You let it go...?!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 4th, 2014-09:14
Rookie mistake! ;) But, then again... The only exception to the rule - never sell is if to a dear friend... :) Best Blomman

I'm a little late, but here are mine

 By: rovermark : February 5th, 2014-01:53

Never too late! :)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 5th, 2014-09:36
Awesome pair! :) Thank you for joining! Best Blomman

Bonus pic Day #2 - E 870

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 4th, 2014-09:25
E 870 Polaris II 1970: Basel Watch Fair. Interesting is that in the documents I have of the Polaris II, always the Red version is shown. While in reality the Grey and the Blue version are much more common.... Best Blomman ...  

I've seen quite many Blue dialed " Polaris 2 " indeed, but quite a few...

 By: amanico : February 4th, 2014-10:25
Grey dials. I don't have the prod numbers dial per dial, neither the Heritage Gallery... Best, Nicolas

Agree, blue is the most common...

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 4th, 2014-10:58
Grey are not that common but even less is the red - from what I have observed... No real science, just observations... I might be wrong.... Best, my friend Blomman

Yes, we most often see the Blue in the different collectors markets.

 By: amanico : February 4th, 2014-11:09
And yes, we can witness their rarity by the number of times we saw and still see them in the different collectors markets and auctions. The Grey and the Red seem quite hard to get. Equally, I would say. Now, there are rarer versions: I only once saw a blu... 

Indeed, the blue JLC version is not often seen!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 4th, 2014-11:19
Also the grey LeCoultre is hard to find... Haven't really pursuit the Pola II... But, guess one day I will...! ;) Best, my friend Blomman

Maybe one day...?! ;) [nt]

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 4th, 2014-11:28

Funky Memovoxes - The Journey continues - Day 2

 By: hs111 : February 4th, 2014-00:13
Funky Memovoxes - A Paired Journey into the 70ies - Day 2 Good morning everyone from my side as well ! We hope you had a good night's rest and are fit & eager, (hopefully) what is going to be shared with you. And Hej, folks - again, please don't hesitate ...  

Hey, my friend, it seems that you have a pretty strong collection of Funky Memos...

 By: amanico : February 4th, 2014-00:16
And you didn't show all... I know at least another one from your collection, a certain blue dialed one. ;) Best, Nicolas

Touché ! .. Yes, for a time I have been lucky .. With these Funky Ladies !

 By: hs111 : February 4th, 2014-00:39
.. and you are right, there are/ were 3 more days to be covered.. Thanks for kind looking ! Best, hs

An interesting detail in these scans...

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 4th, 2014-03:13
Are the logo on the alarm disk. Not often seen in real! :) Yours have the original blue second hand, my friend - I should hunt one... Makes a big difference! :) Best Blomman

Funky Memovoxes - The paired Journey / Day 2 - revisited

 By: hs111 : February 4th, 2014-08:08
Hello, everybody ! - From the Cockpit your Co-Pilot speaking .. - Hope you have enjoyed or friend Blomman's intro, and samples, as well as the catalogs which always give us some perspective in time and relevance ( Ref & Thanks to Clavi and Nicolas for sca...  

Thank you for the summation of Day #2, my friend! :)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 4th, 2014-09:20
One last WS before putting the E871 back in the box... Announcement of the Day #3 Memovox will follow in a couple of hours... Best Blomman ...  

That fits sooo nicely to your wrist..and perfectly matches shirt & pullover..

 By: hs111 : February 4th, 2014-09:30
Thank you, mon Capitaine ! Our travel- plane will soon be ready again for Day 3; nice also, that already now, some of our friends here, are chipping-in Best for the evening ! hs PS: about to send you a short PM about tomorrow.. :)

Thank you, my friend! :) [nt]

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 4th, 2014-10:56

Funky Memovoxes Day #3 will be....

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 4th, 2014-11:05
The E 872 ! The E 872 came in at least three dial configurations: Sivler/Silver, Sivler/White and Blue/White. Still miss at least one... 1972: Memovox - now we know where the rap stars got the idee of big clocks arround their neck... ;) See you all tomorr...  

Thank you.. If we can express a humble wish.. One already..

 By: hs111 : February 4th, 2014-11:47
.. is lovely, but BOTH maybe would be considered perfect , - as they really complement the "Funky Theme & Time " Thanks in advance, also for your support ! best, hs

Ok, I will do so tomorrow...

 By: amanico : February 4th, 2014-11:49
But I was secretely waiting for the third one to post a family picture! ;) Best, Nicolas

We will be happy with everything, you will share with us here :))

 By: hs111 : February 4th, 2014-11:58
.. your choice will be my and our choice ! best, hs

Funky Memovoxes Day #3

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 4th, 2014-22:35
Good Morning! Half way thru our "week" - let the good times roll...! :) 1970: Skydiving - alarm used to know when to pull the parachute...? ;) Hope you will have a great day! :) Best Blomman ...  

Good Morning, Blomman ! - Nice catalog ads .. Specifically liked ..

 By: hs111 : February 4th, 2014-23:39
.. the second with The Parachuter, were the watches pictured would fit (!) ; and the 872 being one of them ! It is soo nice to match the watches to the spirits of time of that Episoden Great start into Wednesdax, our Day 3 ! Best, also for today, Best, hs... 

The kittinger skydiver ad is a classic

 By: Clavi : February 4th, 2014-23:57
Entry of the day: ...  

Forgot one

 By: Clavi : February 5th, 2014-00:07
and here is #2 (almost forgot it!) ...  

Clavi, you are a Master at this game! :)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 5th, 2014-00:11
OK, I call - Blue here as well... :) Best, my friend Blomman ...  

Hej, my Nordic friend ! .. Now the treasure box is open !.. The blue ones are..Dreamy days

 By: hs111 : February 5th, 2014-00:26
.. My friend, didn't knw you also have got the dark blue one ! Clavi's and yours are indeed tops here !! Thanks to both of you, and to you, our Pilot for ths Journey, - it's a really nice route we are taking ... :)) Best for today & midweek , hs

I don't think I'll be wearing mine skydiving

 By: rovermark : February 5th, 2014-02:02
In fact before I wear mine at all it needs a service if for no other reason that the date changes at 9:00 pm. It is just a matter of re-installing the hour hand correctly but since I just purchased the watch last Friday I haven't had a chance to get it ta...  

The date reset is actually a bit more complex than just readjusting hands

 By: Clavi : February 5th, 2014-02:30
Re-installing hands to have them at the midnight postion when the date changes is indeed the normal way to fix the 'date change' issue on a non-complcated watch. However here we are on an alarm watch, and as you are mentioning the date change delay, I am ... 

Another one..?! :)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 5th, 2014-09:42
You're on fire, Mark! :) Yes, as Clavi explaned - a bit more complicated due to the alarm... Best Blomman

Funky Memovoxes Day #3 - Midday

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 5th, 2014-03:55

Hej, my Nordic friend !.. How good can it get ?.. Perfect match..

 By: hs111 : February 5th, 2014-05:09
..shirt, strap & watch & Da' Memo Man !! It does not get better than this ! Unless.. Well unless we will get some chip -ins, which we were hoping for from our friends C and N.. Hope your day goes smoothly furtheron A nice Quarzite background.. Molding in ...  

Details are ...

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 5th, 2014-09:43
Important! ;) Thank you, my friend Best Blomman

Clean shot, Mr Memovox.

 By: amanico : February 5th, 2014-05:11

Thx Nico.. Yes, KoM is living it up.. Am just following the paths..

 By: hs111 : February 5th, 2014-05:20
.. although always following (bigger) footsteps.. can mean trouble sometimes at least - but I guess that must be worth it ! Learning by following.. Not bad a concept, from time to time.. Thank you, for staying with us here, Master V. ;) Best for the after... 

LOL! But true!

 By: amanico : February 5th, 2014-09:44

Yes! :) [nt]

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 5th, 2014-09:46

Funky Memovoxes Day #3 / cont'd

 By: FanFrancisco : February 5th, 2014-09:05

Yes, please!

 By: amanico : February 7th, 2014-07:01

Ahhh, Stefan.. Had already been sort of missing you !.. Thanks, for you being here .. !

 By: hs111 : February 6th, 2014-09:01
.. you were having practically all of them, which were featured in the 5- day-gang, so far.. of course ,our friend Blomman runs the treasure- house and some others had beautiful samples !.. Stay tuned and best, hs

Ah, there you are, Stefan!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 5th, 2014-09:45
You got me worried....! Thought you might miss our call. The blue dial is such a nice companion! :) Best, my friend Blomman

sorry for making you worried, my friend...

 By: FanFrancisco : February 6th, 2014-08:43
... i have been terribly busy lately, and also i do not have theE871 to contribute to Day #2 as I have been still hunting hard for this one!!! stefan

Bonus pic Day #3 - E 872 Blue

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 5th, 2014-09:56
Same watch - very different characters depending on the dial... One last WS of the Silver before putting it back in the box. Even if the case design of the E 872 may seem to be a bit "unsophisticated"... It is one of the most comfortable watch on the wris...  

One E 870.

 By: amanico : February 4th, 2014-23:45

The Funky Monster...!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 5th, 2014-09:47
Thank you for chipping in, my friend! :) Yours are in much better condition than mine... Best Blomman

Funky Memovoxes - Journey cont'd - Day 3

 By: hs111 : February 4th, 2014-23:53
Funky Memovoxes - A paired Journey into the 70ies - Day 3 Hello, everybody and Good Morning for our Day 3, with a new funky contender, which already has been introduced by our friend Blomman We have started with the "Egg" (861), via the square "TV-Screen ...  

Don't forget, my dear M - Vlad ( M for Master, M for magic, M for more)..

 By: hs111 : February 5th, 2014-00:04
.. and the most important thing, maybe: I am your ( lucky) pupil, trying to slowly working his way upwards,a little bit.. I really love those MMV's Mixture of cuteness , solidity, and pleasure for these time-witnesses ! .. Thank you for your kind words an... 

You are absolutely right, HS

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 5th, 2014-09:49
Big and bulky - but oh, so sweet on the wrist! :) Starngely - these Funky Memovoxes sits better on the wrist than the classic E 855... Best, my dear Co-pilot Blomman

Funky Memovoxes - Paired Journey into the 70ies - Day 3 / revisited

 By: hs111 : February 5th, 2014-07:09
Hello, everybody again : Again, time for our little resummée about Day 3 of the series, our Day with the E 872, which in fact, as so many previous times, has been a pleasure Why ? - well this watch, despite her bulkyness at first glance, has good and love...  

Thank you for the summation of Day #3, HS! :)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 5th, 2014-09:50
Will soon announce the Day #4 watch... :) Best Blomman

Funky Memovoxes Day #4 will be....

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 5th, 2014-11:29
The E 875 ! The E 875 came in three dial configurations: Blue, White, and White / centre Blue. (Plus Gold) Still miss the White / centre Blue... The E 875 is the most "classic" looking of the Funky bunch... This one shown here was blue from the beginning....  

As I said...

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 5th, 2014-11:43
The most classic of the Funky bunch... E 861 + E 870 to E 877. The Blue and the White/Blue is kind of Funky... Same with the E 874, remoove the crazy colours from dial, hands and indexes - and you get a "classic" Memovox... Best, my friend Blomman

Funky Memovoxes Day #4

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 5th, 2014-22:17
Good Morning! E 875, Speedbeat: Lets have a speedy start of the Day #4 ! :) 1972: Memovox - time to wake up! ;) Hope you will have a great day! Please don't forget the WristScan this weekend - a lot of fun! :) Best Blomman ...  

When I look at your ad, I can't resist to focus on the E 873.

 By: amanico : February 5th, 2014-22:41
But the patina on your E 875 is delicious! It always surprised me to see ablue dial turning to Brown. Very nice! Best, Nicolas

You mean this guy...? ;)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 5th, 2014-22:50
Yes, the E 873 is much more Funky! :) If I remember well, Marv has a perfect blue one... Let's see if we can get any more E 873 to join here...? Best Blomman ...  

How cool is that!

 By: amanico : February 5th, 2014-23:07

Very! :)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 6th, 2014-09:13

:::))) [nt]

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 6th, 2014-09:26

How about this one?

 By: cfn : February 6th, 2014-03:11
An heirloom...and a funky one, too Keep them coming! Claus ...  

Super Funky! :)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 6th, 2014-09:14
Thank you for joining, Claus! Best Blomman

This brown one looks just great.. Morning chocolate, and..:))

 By: hs111 : February 5th, 2014-23:00
Good morning ! .. I guess, it is the first time, I see a 873, in a picture - that really is a colorful, exuberant Funky ! It's also interesting, how close she looks to the 861, in shape at least; another new Egg or using the case from the 861 ? Best for y... 

E 861 and E 873 have the same size but not...

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 6th, 2014-09:20
The same case. E 861 has the same as E 855/outer locking ring while the E 873 has the same scewdown case back as E 875. Also different movement 825 bumper vs 916 rotor. Best, my friend Blomman

873 blue & orange

 By: karmin : February 6th, 2014-01:48
Thanks Blomman for this ad, first time I see this E873 blue/orange dial. Here is mine, a real funky beast [URL=] [/URL] ...  

My pleasure! :)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 6th, 2014-09:22
And thank you for joining in with another Funky Memo! :) Great turn out today! Best Blomman

875 is less funky but certainly desirable

 By: Clavi : February 6th, 2014-02:17
Indeed not so much of a funky one, but nonetheless a great one. JLC managed to modernize the classic 855 in this upgraded version, and the watch feels very modern to this day. I have had many of them over times, and still have a trio set and some doubles ...  

and some close-ups

 By: Clavi : February 6th, 2014-02:30
(The 2-tone was not there for the photo session so is missing from the lot...) ...  

How good can it get.. These are delicious connoisseur pieces !.. " jaw" dropping.. :)

 By: hs111 : February 6th, 2014-09:18
Simply said - stunning and compelling as well Thank you very much for this pleasure ! Best, hs

Hello, Clavi ! .. These were the shots and pieces I have been hoping & waiting for.. :)

 By: hs111 : February 6th, 2014-09:13
.. This trio is a very, very nice, and classy one and I also loved the shots, not to talk about the doubles... If, only IF you ever get tired, of one of the dark- blue Duo, - please let me kindly know, 'cause I am hunting & missing that one for quite a wh... 

Who knows, maybe in a not so long future

 By: Clavi : February 6th, 2014-12:47
Yes HS, the dark blue is initially less spectacular than the 2 tone, but on the long run this is my favorite of the 3 versions. Indeed, I will let you know if / when I let one of them 'go' (that might happen this year... wil keep you posted)

I am dizzy! I see double...! ;)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 6th, 2014-09:23
Mr Memovox! :) Thank you for rolling up your sleeve! ;) Best Blomman

Funky Memovoxes Day #4 - Midday

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 6th, 2014-03:19
Great to see so many E 873 & E 875 turing up here! :) Best Blomman ...  

Bonus pic Day #4 - E 875 Blue & E 875 White

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 6th, 2014-03:22
Still miss the White / Blue version.... Best Blomman ...  

This indeed are very nice pics.. Top for the Choc, sharing the white..

 By: hs111 : February 6th, 2014-04:26
.. lucky coincidence; I wonder , if someone ( Clavi ?) can contribute the dark blue ones, or has he done it - well I'll look it up, in the looong sequence of replies & posts - For sure, there was a great variation in styles, colors, AFAIK. Also I do remem...  

Stunning pair, my friend!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 6th, 2014-09:25
The White / Blue I still hunt.... Best Blomman

Funky Memovoxes Day #4 / cont'd

 By: FanFrancisco : February 6th, 2014-08:36
... except given a miss on the Day #2, I am luckily able to take part on the #3 and #4 today. in fact, this one has significant meaning to me as this one was my first Memovox that all following Memovox the followed. stefan ...  

I remember this one very well, Stefan! :)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 6th, 2014-09:28
The one that started it all! :) Great shot! Best Blomman

One last WS / Doc of the E 875....

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 6th, 2014-09:49
Before putting the E875 back in the box... 1978: Memovox E 875 Announcement of the last day - Day #5 Memovox will follow in a couple of hours... The Funkiest of them all... ;) Best Blomman ...  

Funky Memovoxes - The Journey continues - Day 4 :)

 By: hs111 : February 5th, 2014-23:13
Funky Memovoxes - Paired Journey into the 70ies -- Day 4 Good morning, for our fourth day here ; Thus, our sample today will be - announced already by Blomman, the E 875s, a series, which was produced in larger amounts by JLC AFAIK, all of them have a hig...  

Thanks kindly, deat friend !.. It is a nice journey, sometimes silently.. But..

 By: hs111 : February 6th, 2014-00:04
.. on many occasions and several times, you have had a very positive influence, and encouragement for me, as well. It's still only a good " handful" , but I try to be alert.. Still a big (!) lot to learn, know and find but I try to cover my bases and do t... 

And you do it well! [nt]

 By: amanico : February 6th, 2014-00:24

As promised, Polaris II Grey...

 By: amanico : February 5th, 2014-23:33

Yes, Yes... Thank you !.. For sharing this special juwel ! :))

 By: hs111 : February 6th, 2014-00:34
.. Big Thx for showing her !! I sometimes wonder, how much this one has a totally different appeal : - As much the light blue/ tourquoiise is exubearant, the more this grey Lady is quiter, almost elegant !! Thanks again, and have a good day ! hs

That is a good color for the Polaris II.

 By: amanico : February 6th, 2014-00:36
But I have to confess that I am in love with each of the three dials. I just have to get the last one, the Red! Best, Nicolas

I can relate to the aquisition quest.. Thus, I wish you happy hunting.. And eventually ..

 By: hs111 : February 6th, 2014-01:55
.. of course, success ! i would guess, that would pretty much conclude the theme of the JLC divers; For me Q is: are the Polaris II's also divers (?) in their " l' air de famille ", or just a group of very desirable, funky watches, typical for their time.... 

If I get the Red Polaris, yes, I can say that I am done with the Vintage JLC Divers theme.

 By: amanico : February 6th, 2014-02:04
Unless I find one or two other watches I have in mind... Collection and obsession work very well together, my dear hs. ;) Best, Nicolas

I know, I know meanwhile.. For me often is the silent question.. ;)

 By: hs111 : February 6th, 2014-02:23
.. is it Collection and THEN Obsession , or - is it Obsession and then and thus, Collection ? guess it is like Castor & Pollux so intertwined, you cannot seperate them.. Therefore no matter what, it will go on, there is almost no escape Nice, in a way, as... 

Both, of course! ;)

 By: amanico : February 6th, 2014-02:37

The Grey Monster! :)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 6th, 2014-09:31
The biggest "Egg" of them all! :) Yes, one that I should start to hunt... And of course a red as well....! Thank you for joining, my friend Best Blomman

Here is my 70's today wear

 By: zewok : February 6th, 2014-10:42

Another Blue! :)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 6th, 2014-10:45
Looks to be in excellent condition, Zewok! Great to have you with us here! :) Best Blomman

Itself. In person. ;) [nt]

 By: amanico : February 6th, 2014-10:53

Funky Memovoxes - A Paired Journey into the 70ies - Day 4 / revisited

 By: hs111 : February 6th, 2014-10:28
Funky Memovoxes - Day 4 / revisited : Hello, everybody again ! Wow ! - I have to say, that Day 4 was a very nice blast !! We have seen a great variety of 875s, starting from plain white or silver, to then various colors: blue/ blue, choc- brown, but also ...  

Great E 875 summary, my friend!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 6th, 2014-10:42
Another day with a lot of big bulky funky memovoxes...! :) Will soon post what we will have for our final day... Best Blomman

Funky Memovoxes Day #5 will be....

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 6th, 2014-11:00
The 3072 ! :) The only LeCoultre in our 5 days Funky race. To me this is the most Funky of them all - mixing all angles and shapes into one watch. AFAIK, the 3072 was only released in the US market - LeCoultre. Never seen a JLC branded version. I have see...  

Yes, we kept this rather rare bird, as a Super Funky for the last round ! :)

 By: hs111 : February 6th, 2014-13:12
.. and we felt honored once, when you did a Duo shot for us ! - Remember ?? - was a nice moment in a stretch of hilarious days.. Thanks for your support, my friend Best

It's the grand Master Funk! ;) [nt]

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 6th, 2014-13:53

Ha ha you got me with that one !

 By: Clavi : February 6th, 2014-12:24
Well.... I am afraid I can't play today on day 5 (yet....) I will just throw in the funky matching chronograph for good figure, but that's off topic ! Since I bought that chrono not so long ago, I am on the hunt for the Memo 3072 to match. I have passed o...  

But: it's a blue watch & a super shot.. AND: You had so many entries before..

 By: hs111 : February 6th, 2014-13:03
.. which more than makes up for this !! Thank you again, for staying with us until Day 5 here ! Good evening and my Best, hs :)

What?! A Memovox you don't have....?!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 6th, 2014-14:00
I don't belive..! ;) With such a Funky chrono you are "forgiven" not following suit. Tomorrow, maybe you have some other Funky Memovoxes to share as a bonus...? :) But wait. Clavi, my friend - think I might have a solution for you problem.... My 3072 for ... 

Funky Memovoxes Day #5 / cont'd

 By: FanFrancisco : February 7th, 2014-07:07

Funky Memovoxes Day #5 - Final Day!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 6th, 2014-22:32
Good Morning! The final day of this five day post - I hope you have enjoyed following me and HS in our paired journey into the 70ies! :) Let's end in Super Funky style - 3072 ! 1972: New Youk times Magazine - 3072 with friends... Hope you will have a grea...  

Bonus pic Day #5 - E 876 Blue

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 7th, 2014-03:13

Well.. You/ All have shown so many.. I seem to be dizzy, funky and else ..; Nevertheless..

 By: hs111 : February 7th, 2014-06:58
.. this post is rolling all over !! :) :) .. still a very nice shot, of a very nice watch, and made for a nice wrist... LoLL Best, hs

Asi, you have great Funky Memovox collection!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 7th, 2014-05:39
It is great to see you here day after day! :) Best Blomman

Thank you, my friend! :) [nt]

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 7th, 2014-10:01

Bonus Ad Day #5 - E 876 / E 877

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 7th, 2014-10:10
1972: Where you are, the Memovox sounds... Interesting to see - in Gold the Snowdrop has another Reference: 73800 Best Blomman ...  

" The most elaborated agenda has a major flaw: It is mute. "

 By: amanico : February 7th, 2014-10:12
Excellent! That was some motto! Best, Nicolas

Funky Memovoxes Day #5 - Midday

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 7th, 2014-03:15
WS of the 3072... Close-up of the Funky dial.... Best Blomman ...  

Yes, Sir ! Somehow I was hoping for this one !! .. Thank you so much, dear friend ! :))

 By: hs111 : February 7th, 2014-07:46
.. one will not, and should not ( at least not today !), try to top that .. :) :) 'Cause this pic is really special, so are the tic-tacs !! ( I took the liberty, to put this grey one - or both ? - on my list for asking you for a real see & touch, please) ... 

Grand final! :)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 7th, 2014-10:02
The Super Duo! Stunning piar, my friend! :) Best Blomman

Funky Memovoxes Day #5 / cont'd cont'd

 By: FanFrancisco : February 7th, 2014-08:43
for this reference, the blue dial is commonly seen. however i have managed to hunt for the same casing, but it has white dial in gold plated case which also has very strong funky look!. (blue dial) (white dial) (wrist shot) ...  

The Gold version is awesome, Stefan! :)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 7th, 2014-10:03
Fantastic pair you have! :) Thank you for sharing these with us! Best, my friend Blomman

thanks a lot :-)

 By: FanFrancisco : February 8th, 2014-09:11

Funky Memovoxes - A paired Journey into the 70ies - Day 5

 By: hs111 : February 7th, 2014-00:39
Funky Memovoxes - Day 5 - Concluding the Journey Good morning, everybody to our Day 5 , the final of our series : As already announced yesterday and started this morning, by Blomman with a Reference, which is quite special, and seen only rather rarely: it...  

Wonderful pair shot, HS!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 7th, 2014-05:37
And the stingray strap is Uber Funky! :) Best Blomman

Thx so much for the kindness, my friend.. The perfect Duo it was .. :))

 By: hs111 : February 7th, 2014-05:56
And yes, that " Galuza"= Stingray, funky as it is, mesmerized me - a bit daring - but Hej - The 70ies.. I enjoyed your morning post as well, and the midday, I just have to lookup quickly .... (!) Best, further for your day, hs

Funky Memovoxes Day #5 / cont'd cont'd end

 By: FanFrancisco : February 7th, 2014-09:04
... thank you so much for Blomman and hs for organising such an interesting and exciting 5-day funky event. i am sure whether you contributed or did not contribute to this event, all of us here did enjoy the fun time from day 1 to day 5 throughout. last b...  

Wow !! - Stefan, our friend !.. Love your Hattrick !!.. In the last curve, accelerating !

 By: hs111 : February 7th, 2014-09:26
First of all, thank you for your kind words, and I just would like to humbly add - for us it has been a fun week, for new things , some older, but mostly very exciting and very good fun, at least from our/ my point of view ! It is on us, to thank you and ... 

my pleasure, hs :-)

 By: FanFrancisco : February 8th, 2014-09:18

You have a pair?! :)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 7th, 2014-10:07
Didn't know that! You really are the King of Funky, my friend! I passed on one of these not long ago, the dial was bad.... But one day I will get a Cal 917! Thank you so much for your big contribution here, Stefan! Best Blomman

Funky Memovoxes - A Paired Journey into the 70ies - Day 5 / The Conclusion..

 By: hs111 : February 7th, 2014-10:37
Hello everybody, one more time on our Day 5: From the Cockpit - This is your Co - Pilot .. Just wanted to thank our friend Blomman, as "flying" with him has been a great pleasure, and also to have carried further the initial spark Most thanks, however, to...  

Thank you for your kind words and conclusion, dear HS!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 7th, 2014-14:20
What a fantastic 5 days ride! :) Thank you all who have looked and participated in this post! And a special thank you, HS for (co-) piloting this Funky week! Tomorrow I will try to make a proper summary... Until then - one last WS. Best Blomman ...