Here we go again...

Feb 14, 2012,13:47 PM

I've owned my Incursion since late June of 2010, and here's what I've done with it:

- Swam in the ocean

- Swam in my pool

- Gone hiking (all seasons)

- Shoveled snow/chipped ice

- Changed the oil on my car (and a tire -- that sucked)

- Gardened (including, but no limited to: lawn mowing, weed whacking, leaf blowing, ditch digging, mulch laying...)

- Taken kids to playground (probably the worst thing you can do a nice watch...)

- Bathed aforementioned kids (the next worst thing you can do to a nice watch...)

- Showered repeatedly (I don't see this as a big deal, but there are those who decry this as the pinnacle of abuse)

Here are a couple of "action" shots taken during hot/cold weather testing:

Throughout all off the above the Incursion has kept perfect time, and even after over a year and a half of hard use it still looks brand new, with nary a single mark on its case or bezel (the DLC finish does help in this regard).  Do pieces slip through QC occasionally that evince less than stellar build quality?  Of course.  Is this the exception or the rule?  Well, I'm inclined to believe that it's the former, based not only on my experiences, but those of several friends of mine who own this watch (both the Incursion LE and the standard NSA).  So far this is one of the toughest, most reliable watches that I have ever owned, and yes, I've owned a lot of watches in my time.  Now, will I be singing the same tune a year from now?  Ten years from now?  Only time will tell, but thus far you can color me impressed

YMMV, naturally.  ;-)


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NSA bezel problem...

 By: fawcett1156 : June 17th, 2011-11:40
So i was at lunch the other day and barely bumped my arm into a table, did not hit the watch, and i heard a clanging noise coming from the ground. I look down and sure enough the ceramic piece from the bezel of my NSA just fell off. I was just wondering i... 

Forgot to attach pics...

 By: fawcett1156 : June 17th, 2011-11:42

Just send it to your AD, he will easily fix it.

 By: amanico : June 17th, 2011-11:43
First time I hear that, by the way. I have mine for a year and a half, and I can tell you that I used it like a toolwatch, last summer, without any issue. Strange. Best, Nicolas.

Thanks for the quick response Nicolas!

 By: fawcett1156 : June 17th, 2011-11:48
I will just bring it down to my AD later today... Tyler

Navy SEALs...

 By: Catulle : June 17th, 2011-13:34
JLC is one of my favorite watch manufacturers. They do great work, generally speaking; I've been to the factory. But this Navy SEALs hype I think has been too much. I know about JLC, I also happen to know about Navspecwar. Please, give me a break. That be... 


 By: craniotes : June 17th, 2011-14:07
No one is claiming that SEALs are issued NSAs or that they're the first watches that Team Six reached for when gearing up for Operation Geronimo. They test them in the field and provide feedback to JLC -- that's it. Whether or not you buy into the hype is... 

Don't tell me you buy a watch because it is related to an Elite Corps!

 By: amanico : June 17th, 2011-14:23
You said it, you bought it because it is nice, because you love(d) it. So, is this relation with the SEALs that important? In my case, I don't care about that, I just care about the watch, and as I said in a previous answer to this post, I really love my ... 

Guys, have you ever noticed

 By: grigo : June 17th, 2011-23:33
... that any time there is a post about the NSA, about a problem, raising a question, Catulle comes out of the word work with his negative opinion of the watch that his wife so kindly offered to him as a present. I would place a bet that for the next post... 

Well said George. [nt]

 By: aboen : June 18th, 2011-02:55
No message body

Catulle, pls get over it

 By: Cookies : June 18th, 2011-04:32
I'm trying to be diplomatic here. We gentleman here listen as much as we speak. Listening is a virtue, while knocking on empty vessels is not. Please post more often here. You only have 13 posts so far, and most of them are ramblings. We need to hear more... 

Oh, I haven't even started...

 By: Catulle : June 18th, 2011-10:20
IP scrutiny and all... It never ceases to amaze me the degree of fanaticism and the kind of Stockholm syndrome that seems to affect these fora. Yes, how many posts... 13? Wow, too many. See, I used to participate in these fora since Richard Paige, remembe... 

Ok, so, why did you spend such an outrageous sum on such a poorly executed watch?

 By: amanico : June 18th, 2011-10:39
I would be you, I wouldn't feed these manufactures which charge us so badly, for watches which cost almost nothing. I don't think our " gentlemany " leads us to forget any objectivity. When we don't love something, we also say it. In an educated way, perh... 


 By: Baron - Mr Red : June 18th, 2011-12:04
You are absolutely entitled to your view. I regularly disagree with viewpoints on this forum. It is 100 percent fine to disagree. However, what strikes me about your contributions is that negativity seems to be the ONLY trait that you display. Actually, I... 

I'm sorry it isn't your cup of tea

 By: Cookies : June 22nd, 2011-05:30
have a good life, without the company of the people you will offend.

In Support of Catulle

 By: Apo-state : June 23rd, 2011-18:23
In defense of Catulle, (s)he makes a lot of sense.. I will state upfront that this is my first post on this forum, and given the anticipated hate mail the post will likely generate, may also be my last one. But I digress. 1) For those who need to know PRE... 

But all your points here are pure common sense...

 By: roman : June 23rd, 2011-19:15
I think every member of this forum is intelligent. Do you not think your points 1 thru 6 are not common sense...? We all know them well, we are just here because we all love watches (toys) and never want to grow up

nothing wrong with your points, Apo State.

 By: amanico : June 23rd, 2011-21:19
Except that a majority of us buys a watch for what it is and for themselves, not for tjhe recognition, at least that it was I think. Nothing wrong with giving us your opinion. Best, Nicolas.

Exactly. (nt)

 By: roman : June 24th, 2011-03:00
This message has been edited by romang on 2011-06-24 03:01:45


 By: tinker2 : June 24th, 2011-08:42
Am I the only one that finds Cutelle and Apostate to sound like the SAME person?

Challenge to tinker2 - Catulle please read

 By: Apo-state : June 24th, 2011-10:07
Sounds like a witch-hunt, doesn't it tinker. In the absence of a cogent counter-argument on the substance, we accuse the opponent of the subversive intent. Not original, but sometimes effective. Unfortunately, I have no clue who Catulle is; I hope he read... 

Yea, i see your point. The bezel doesnt look that well-made

 By: xsw : June 28th, 2011-17:31
thanks for sharing ur perspective!

How so?

 By: BDLJ : June 28th, 2011-18:19
What is wrong with the bezel design?

Absolutely nothing...

 By: craniotes : June 29th, 2011-10:15
The bezel on the NSA (and the rest of the series, for that matter), is designed in a similar fashion to most bezels, with a spring actuated ratcheting mechanism to control the uni-directional rotation and a glued on insert. As I mentioned earlier in this ... 

Exactly, Adam!

 By: BDLJ : June 29th, 2011-17:38
You made my point before I could. Design wise...I prefer this design to any number of 'novel' ones. (then again, I'm actually not that big a fan of unidirectional bezels...but that's a tiny matter) As for glue? Oh no! It's not like (as you say) most campa... 


 By: Baron - Mr Red : June 24th, 2011-11:00
No...I see no witch-hunt. What i do see is a guy called Catulle who basically only wants to complain. I have watches that have aspects that I don't like...but they also have aspects I do like...that is why I own them. I have watches that are not seen as d... 


 By: Apo-state : June 24th, 2011-13:05
Baron, I disagree with you on the witch-hunt point. A switch from the point of an argument onto the personality or motivation of the opponent is, in my opinion, one of the lower forms of debate. If you re-read the last point in my original post, you will ... 


 By: Baron - Mr Red : June 25th, 2011-07:04
I agree that there are certainly people who wear watches because they want to show-off their wealth. You are correct. I am the wrong guy to ask, though, about how many I see opposite me on the other side of the business. I see none. So, to re-c... 

Faulty NSA Bezel

 By: goju1 : February 14th, 2012-04:27
Hallo, You are not alone! The same has happened to me. I bought my NSA in late 2010 and it was offered at a substantial discount. I now understand why. After a month of ownership the winding crown came out when I was making a time adjustment. It was fixed... 

Here we go again...

 By: craniotes : February 14th, 2012-13:47
I've owned my Incursion since late June of 2010, and here's what I've done with it: - Swam in the ocean - Swam in my pool - Gone hiking (all seasons) - Shoveled snow/chipped ice - Changed the oil on my car (and a tire -- that sucked) - Gardened (including...  

You answered better than I could...

 By: amanico : February 14th, 2012-14:00
You can never fight against isolated issues... Ok, let's face it: How many NSAs knew some issues, out of 1500 ( current ) + 82 ( BH Boutique ) + The Aldaos ( I don't remùember how many, maybe 30? )? 5? 10? Now much more, AFAIK. Out of 1600 and some more p... 

You hit the nail ...

 By: nilomis : February 15th, 2012-01:27
I'm sure that the most of the happy owners never posted anything here or there stating that the watch is perfect. Since the start of the Internet I'm very aware about this phenomena. Cheers, Nilo