Philippe Dufour, one of the acknowledged masters of 'finish', has, as has been said, used Metalem and included their signature:

May 12, 2020,06:45 AM

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Judging Dial Work! Who Does Better Guilloche? Only You Can Decide!

By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : May 11th, 2020-09:48
Metalem versus Comblemine! I've tried and partially failed to find two dials with similar guilloche patterns. Nonetheless, I ask that you not judge the watch or the dial design (It's hard, I know, but try to put aside your feelings about either watch). In...  

As another mentioned, very hard to compare since they are not like-for-like

By: vitalsigns : May 11th, 2020-10:50
I also have my guilloche preferences, which are mostly aligned with the Breguet interpretation and execution, and similar dials. Quality is hard to separate from aesthetic preferences. All of the examples presented seem very well done to my eye. Cheers, J... 

Both stunning dials and great craftsmanship imho

By: Watchonthewrists : May 11th, 2020-12:56
Not sure how Metalem makes there dials but i have seen the craftsmans(woman) at work when visiting KV a few years ago. Also i think there is a differents in costs when ordering a deal from one of them . I don’t own a KV guilloche dial (yet) but love my Cz...  

The price difference is a fair consideration (if anyone knows the price for either, please pm me).

By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : May 11th, 2020-13:38
I'm not sure how KV makes his dials and of what. Breguet today uses a disc of gold, which is the silvered and given a treatment to prevent oxidation. I believe guillochéd Pateks use this method, as a PP guillocheur told me they use a gold disc as a base (... 

Having visited Metalem, Comblemine and Breguet Ateliers de guillochage,

By: xav : May 12th, 2020-12:20
they all use traditional methods. Metalem is pretty large and they craft superb dials. Breguet is also really impressive by the number of tours à guillocher, the number of craftsmen and the variety of the work performed (not only dials but movement parts ... 

I know relatively little about guilloche

By: jleno : May 11th, 2020-14:52
But I'd guess the main things to look at would be how complex and tight/dense the patterns are. The Czapek pattern is more complex with 2 origin points, but less dense. I think that's partly a stylistic choice along with the deeper cut they're using. The ... 

You're right on. If you happen to have seen examples on the web of Metalem doing more complex work, please share!

By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : May 13th, 2020-09:16
I have no doubt at all they are capable of more, I just tried to post examples of their basic work (which is done at a high level, of course).

Will check this out! Thanks!

By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : May 14th, 2020-17:35
I'm guessing they do the work on parmigiani guilloché dials as well. How did someone find out about their work for Breguet? Is that somewhere I can read? Super interested!

I guess it's a secret.

By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : May 16th, 2020-16:39
How about the Parmigiani Fleurier Toric Tourbillon? Definitely Metalem? ...