New Toy; Unboxing Photos of the Dalibor Farny Puri 6 Nixie Clock

Oct 15, 2021,23:51 PM

Nixie clock enthusiast and WatchProSite Moderator Patrick Yuan unboxes the latest Dalibor Farny Puri-6 Nixie Clock creation by Dalibor Farny. 

Dalibor Farny Nixie Clock, Puri 6 Model with black base and silver ringed Nixie Tubes.  Photo credit; Dalibor Farny.

This is just a casual unboxing.  You'll see it looks like to receive a BIG NIXIE CLOCK from Dalibor Farny.  You may recall, I also received the smaller 4-tube version of this clock back in late 2018!  There's a full review of that one at this link: If that link doesn't work, just Google "Dalibor Farny Review" and it's usually the first result on Google. 

I waited years for this clock!  When I first saw the Puri-4, I insisted that Dalibor make a 6-tube version.  Once I was told it was "production was about to start" I still had to wait a few months for this clock.  There was a small waiting list for the USA versions of this clock (because there were too many orders).  Then I was told "clock has been shipped, should be on your front door by this date."  Well, the clock, was late by 5 business days because FedEx has been awful!  But it's finally here! 

I still have the box from my Puri 4-tube clock.  You can tell the 6-tube version is MUCH larger! 

Everything is adequately protected.  I'm very satisfied here! 

Once the lid is opened, you can see it's got a very Apple-esque packaging.  Except it's in all black.  Very cool and minimalist.  Just like the product is minimalist! 

The instruction card, the warranty certificate, and some cool photos show you how much effort is put into manufacturing these puppies.  Thank goodness someone is making these things! 

When you take the black box out, it has a bi-sectional opening.  Here's the first glimpse you see when you open one of the two sections. 

Set up on a nearby bench.  Wow!  The two seconds digits move continuously and this makes the clock feel ALIVE!  The colons (smile glow and pulsate :  :  :  :! 

Notice in the photo above that Dalibor personally signs every piece by hand!  Each one that leaves his workshop is one of his children that he and his team brings to this world. 

Dalibor Farny manufactures the tubes in an artisanal process.  Only around 50 tubes can be made per week!  That's only 8.5 clocks a week, and the yield is actually less than that since not all tubes pass quality control!  400 a year max!  That's tiny!  There are a total of four color choices for the 4 and 6 tube clocks (so a total of 8 different designs) and then multiple plugs for different electricity requirements.  Unfortunately some color choices are on backorder since tube production cannot keep up with demand.  Below are the four color choices...

The classic all-silver design is cool.  A big silver base goes well with the Nixie tubes that have silver rings.  My Puri-4-tube version clock by Dalibor Farny is this color scheme.  I like it a lot!  Photo Credit: Dalibor Farny

The black base with silver-ringed tubes looks great too!  This might fit my room's decor better than the one I actually ended up getting.  Photo Credit: Dalibor Farny

The black base with gold ringed tubes and a gold logo plaque is warm and very luxurious.  I really like this version A LOT.  I very nearly chose this version, and this version probably would fit my room's decor more than the one I ultimately chose.  Photo Credit: Dalibor Farny

The all black version has a cool matte/sandblasted texture.  This is definitely very cool.  And this is the one I chose.  Photo Credit: Dalibor Farny

Even the plaque is all blacked-out.  This is one blacked out clock! 

The original Puri 4 version is in a satin-finished aluminum and looks great.  It's super clean and elegant.  It's also calming, since the clock doesn't display the seconds.  While the 6-tube version displays the seconds which gives the clock a lot of life.  I still like this clock and if you're putting the clock in your bedroom or near the TV, I definitely recommend the 4 tube version.  But in a home office or a conference room, the 6-tube version is the way to go!  You can also program the clock to dim at a certain time, so for example, you can use an iPhone or Android app to dim the clock at a certain time, so it's more appropriate in the bedroom. 

The Z568M is the largest of the traditional sized Nixie Tubes and is made in elegant proportions.  Dalibor Farny's nixie tubes are called "R|Z568M" and are based on the Z568M design and proportions, the "R" stands for "resurrected" since nobody had been making Nixie tubes of that size for about 50 years! 

And if you have the time, watch the video of how the tubes are created in this small batch and artisanal process...  Truly astounding. 

Tim Mosso, the unflappable YouTube watch expert has expressed, "I need this [Dalibor Farny Puri 6 Nixie Clock] and an Atmos on the same shelf. Then my life is complete."  Nice to know he's into awesome clocks as well! 

The phone app also allows you to control special features about the clock.  I will discuss more of this in a future review of the Dalibor Farny Puri 6 Nixie Clock! 

Edit: Pricing information: I forgot to mention, the price of these clocks is actually very palatable.  Especially considering the amount of human labor hours per tube.  Each tube is handmade in an entirely artisanal process and takes several hours to manufacture.  Pricing currently starts at 1460 Euros for the 4 tube version and 2050 Euros for the 6 tube version.  A very fair price! 

Thank you for reading and I look forward to reading your comments! 

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Thank you for this post!

By: kkochheiser : October 16th, 2021-00:57
I just ordered a Puri-4 for our bedroom. It makes a nice companion to our stainless QLOCKTWO Classic in our living room. Totally cool! Kent

Ahh! Yes. The QLOCKTWO is very cool as well!

By: patrick_y : October 16th, 2021-01:21
Congratulations on the new order! Please post pictures of your new piece when you get a chance!

Oh but he was so helpful!

By: kkochheiser : October 26th, 2021-21:52
He helped opening the crate, the packaging and doing the setup. Granted, I think he’s a bit unhappy that is is interfering with his seating area! Kent

Archie seems mesmerized by the new toy!

By: patrick_y : October 27th, 2021-17:18
Looks amazing! Do note, put something between the clock and the surface. The rubber feet seem to oxidize the wood furniture over time. So I taped old business cards under the feet.

Very nice! Big congrats!

By: patrick_y : October 17th, 2021-20:29
Careful. These things only make you want to accumulate more. You might decide you want the 6 digit version to get the seconds indications as your next clock. The seconds really makes the clock come alive!

Oh I know…

By: kkochheiser : October 17th, 2021-23:11
I’m already plotting for a 6 digit for my office upstairs! Or our house in AZ… Kent

Yes! It's good for an office!

By: patrick_y : October 17th, 2021-23:49
The fact that this six clock version has much more life, makes it a great office companion. What color choice would you aim for in the six tube variant? I'm sometimes thinking I should've gone for the gold and black one.

I was thinking silver and black.

By: kkochheiser : October 18th, 2021-13:14
We’ve spent far too long eradicating brass/gold from our home! The 4 tube will be perfect for the bedroom and you’re right, the motion of the 6 tube will be fun for the office.

New to this matter

By: Weems@8 : October 16th, 2021-01:37
I’ve seen here Horology75 have a tube clock. For me new, i never knew about a tube clock. Tube amps, ok, i know that. I see you like tube clocks a lot and gave a big unboxing show. You are a happy customer, and Dalibor Farny can be proud of such a custome... 

Yes! Horology75 has the same tube clock from Dalibor Farny!

By: patrick_y : October 16th, 2021-04:28
Horology75 has the 4-tube version. But this 6-tube version recently just came out a couple months ago. And I only just finally got mine! Yes. Dalibor Farny should be very proud that he has such customers whom are happy with his product.

It really is incredible! And it's a great value!

By: patrick_y : October 16th, 2021-04:33
And considering the pricing of only around 2000 Euros for the 6 tube version and 1500 Euros for the 4 tube version, it's really a great value!

They're definitely rare!

By: patrick_y : October 17th, 2021-05:45
Only the most afflicted and crazy watch collectors have such a clock! And keep in mind, Dalibor Farny can only make 50 tubes a week. That's only about 8-9 clocks a week!

Thank you very much!

By: patrick_y : October 17th, 2021-20:30
Which one would you like to add to your collection? Which color goes well in your home?

Thanks for sharing Patrick, and congrats.

By: Jay (Eire) : October 16th, 2021-12:53
I think the 6 would be the way I might lean too, and I may just go for one. I’ve been looking for, thinking about, a clock or clocks for home. Something “cool” but also something that won’t break the bank. As we discussed before for clocks I just can’t ge... 

Thank You!

By: patrick_y : October 17th, 2021-05:42
Yes! There is an app interface that allows you to set the brightness. Notice the "Night Mode" menu at the bottom. You have a brightness in day mode and another brightness in night mode. Notice you have other customization options here. The one I like to s...  

Ahh! Excellent question!

By: patrick_y : October 17th, 2021-05:43
I was going to get into that detail in my review. You can set the time manually or you can have it sync up with the time via WiFi if you allow it to connect to your home's WiFi.

You? Budgeting? Hard to imagine!

By: patrick_y : October 17th, 2021-23:51
Hello. My name is Horology75, and I'm a Clock-aholic! I've been XXX number of minutes sober!

Nifty product and great review

By: cazalea : October 17th, 2021-14:47
Patrick, I also recently received a clock - the 1947-T Mk1 time Accumulator. Like the Nixie, it uses obsolete technology (glass-faced analog meters) to indicate the time in an unusual way. If I can find some time I’ll try review it. Mike ...  

Big Congrats my Friend!

By: MichaelC : October 17th, 2021-17:07
I gotta look into these more at some point. At least all the reference material is easily found

Awesome Nixie!

By: mrds : October 22nd, 2021-07:40
That’s a fantastic addition. So much style and attention to detail! Thanks for sharing this, Patrick. I think I’m going to get myself the 4 tubes version for my upcoming birthday 😄

Oh wow!

By: patrick_y : October 26th, 2021-05:19
First of all... HAPPY UPCOMING BDAY! And Secondly, what a great way to celebrate your BDay! Feel free to message me, I'm happy to make an introduction to Dalibor Farny and ask him to be certain to send you a clock that has been personally autographed by h...