Happy Lunar New Year to all.

Feb 10, 2024,10:37 AM

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Can you explain how you tell time on this piece?

 By: ArmisT : February 10th, 2024-14:06
I think I see the minutes dial, but no hour indicator.

There are two wheels-at 11:30 and12:30.

 By: TheMadDruid : February 10th, 2024-21:13
The 12:30 wheel shows minutes; the other, hours. You need to bring the dial to your eyes; or use a magnifying glass from distance.

And then explain how you tell the time on the single tube Nixie !!!

 By: Jay (Eire) : February 10th, 2024-16:58
That Dragon is a monster !

It works fine.

 By: TheMadDruid : February 10th, 2024-23:04
I love it and it takes up little space.

Go big or go home : )

 By: mdg : February 10th, 2024-17:47

I went big.

 By: TheMadDruid : February 10th, 2024-21:15

Love it...

 By: mdg : February 11th, 2024-05:56


 By: TheMadDruid : February 10th, 2024-21:15


 By: amanico : February 10th, 2024-21:44

Happy Lunar New Year to you as well!!!

 By: keks : February 13th, 2024-00:57
Fierce wrist action on display here!!! Lovely piece

Happy lunar new year to you!

 By: singingbee : February 16th, 2024-18:01
I love the Lucky Harvey Dragon watch. Mine says hello! ...  


 By: TheMadDruid : February 16th, 2024-21:21