How could this Happen?

Sep 26, 2023,17:15 PM

THREAD TEMPORARILY LOCKED:  I dislike doing this.  WPS is not about censoring threads and complaints.  HOWEVER, in the fairness to Brands, Dealers, Our Readers, and all; this thread is missing a major detail and leading the average reader to make an assumption that Thommy bought all five watches from the SAME authorized dealer.  This is a big assumption.  If Thommy has supported the SAME authorized dealer by buying a lot of watches, I can say this is a legitimate complaint.  If Thommy was gifted these watches, inherited them, or bought them off the grey market, unfortunately, the he has not supported this dealer and this dealer is not obligated to help him find an Odysseus expeditiously.  I encourage all WatchProSite readers to have empathy for the Brands and Dealers and try to avoid adopting an immediate pro-consumer viewpoint. I know I'm adopting an unfair position and I'm normally very pro-consumer; but I feel this post is missing some major details and I don't feel this thread is being fair to Brands in general.  Sure, we're all entitled to our opinions, but let's give it a second thought here.  

Thommy, if you can confirm to me via PM some critical details, I will insert those details into the main post and re-open the thread.  Thank you Thommy!  

~~~~~~~Original Thread below ~~~~~~

I can't shake the impression that Lange are about to sell their soul.

I was called from the Lange boutique during my vacation because a window was supposedly open for Odysseus orders for good customers. I visited the boutique after my vacation, whereupon I was bluntly told that I could only get an Odysseus after a 36 month wait if I purchased either a Time Zone or something similar immediately. (There are already 5 Lange watches in my small but fine watch collection, among others).

I wonder if Lange can't sell their watches that they coerce their long-time, loyal customers to buy less desirable models.

I am concerned that the company is moving away from its roots. Preference seems to be given only to the super rich and speculators. Not the passion for watches seems to be in the foreground, but only the money - from whom or from wherever it comes.

What do you think about this development?

This message has been edited by patrick_y on 2023-09-26 18:13:26 This message has been edited by patrick_y on 2023-09-26 18:58:36 This message has been edited by patrick_y on 2023-09-27 01:21:16

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Comments: view entire thread


I think this is not new

 By: TeutonicCarFan : September 26th, 2023-17:21
Maybe passionate collectors on here who are true horolgy connoisseurs are being treated this way. Sad because those are the people who carry your brand, not Instagram journalists. Maybe I'm wrong. Move on to another, maybe a moser streamliner or LF or cho... 

We're making too many assumptions here...

 By: patrick_y : September 26th, 2023-18:32
You might be making a huge assumption here... You might be assuming Thommy has supported this store in the past - when Thommy mentioned he has five Lange's, we automatically assume that he bought some of these watches from this store. A judge has to instr... 

Going on for ~2 years now

 By: m2 : September 26th, 2023-17:22
They do not care at all about the people that bought the brand back when it was unpopular and was guaranteed to lose you money. I posted about this the other day, but they literally told me I'd get an Odysseus if I bought a Zeitwerk, and then didn't give ... 

Just to be clear: you bought the Zeitwerk???

 By: Reuven Malter : September 26th, 2023-17:35

Agreed, ALS has been forcing package deals for the past few years.

 By: enjoythemusic : September 26th, 2023-18:43
Am curious about the legality of this sales structure in various countries. I'd insist on a signed and notarized contract should you choose to enter such an agreement.

We're making a huge assumption that Thommy bought all five of those watches from the same store he's not happy with.

 By: patrick_y : September 26th, 2023-18:48
We don't know where Thommy bought those watches. A judge in a courthouse would instruct a jury to not make such assumptions. The argument you made about the fact that Lange prices have been less than stable is not entirely fair - YOU bought a watch that a... 

Reuven Malter, that's unfair to Lange...

 By: patrick_y : September 26th, 2023-18:36
You're automatically assuming that Thommy has supported this store by buying multiple pieces. A judge would instruct the jury not to make this assumption. A lawyer from Lange would then cross-examine Thommy and ask him if he actually bought all five piece... 

They all come from the same Richemont group

 By: MilDiver : September 26th, 2023-18:00
And I see no reason to stick with companies like that. let them play by themselves..


 By: patrick_y : September 26th, 2023-18:28
Thommy, I feel your pain, but you didn't mention some pertinent details and I don't want to make assumptions. You say you have five Lange watches! Very impressive! That's more than I do! BUT! You didn't mention how many were specifically bought from the b... 


 By: tomch : September 26th, 2023-18:39
The Boutique Strategy is new - about one year. I bought the watches from AD and collectors. Last year two from the local AD.

I understand what you’re saying, but…

 By: ChetBaker : September 26th, 2023-18:47
buying grey or second hand can equally be considered supporting the brand. Because there are people willing to buy used or grey a secondary market is created for the product, which in turn leads to sales on the primary market. While the effect may be more... 

Okay. I see your argument...

 By: patrick_y : September 26th, 2023-18:51
I see your argument - but the dealer or the boutique will not see it that way. They'll say, "you've supported the grey market, not our boutique or our Lange franchise, please ask the grey market to help you find an Odysseus."

I am not a fan of their strategy either

 By: andrea~ : September 26th, 2023-18:31
I'm not a customer, but this sort of behaviour doesn't encourage me to purchase a watch from them in the future. It seems like the only Richemont brand that is being properly managed is Cartier.