Man…you KNOW this concept began over a drink(s)!

Dec 19, 2022,00:57 AM


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Since something is rarely posted here in this forum, I'll do it now 😁

By: MTR : December 19th, 2022-00:45
A really crazy discovery at the Harry Winston Boutique in Milano. This prototype was designed by Alain Silberstein. The nice salesman showed me the good piece with the monstrous case size of 50mm when I told him I was looking for something "special". Best...  


By: MTR : December 19th, 2022-23:30
Many drinks. I love watches like this little monster. Not something you see every day.

As far as I remember

By: MTR : December 19th, 2022-23:31
Euro 480.000? But it could also just be Euro 420,000. I can't remember exactly. 😎

Too bad WR is not 11k meters, otherwise I was gonna pull the trigger…😎

By: FabR : December 19th, 2022-03:33
PS: Obviously not for everyone (myself included), but indeed we too rarely see creations from HW here, one of the top jewelers on this planet — thanks for taking the time to share!👍🥂

Holy guacamole!

By: takman : December 19th, 2022-04:53
I’m usually pretty good spotting the functions of a watch but this one has me stumped. And the thickness!

This was big news when it came out

By: doubleup : December 19th, 2022-20:33
I remember the advertisement for it, very nostalgic. That is cool you saw in the flesh, was it for sale or just as a display ? Reminded me of the Mont Blanc watch with the dual faces that changed on demand. Very cool idea using the records for different d...