As the specs were those of the French army, did the various brands use some identical parts, case etc.?

Dec 03, 2023,19:02 PM

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Don't get the "XBreguet" ..... the type XX/20 were not Breguet design, they ....

By: HSTE : December 3rd, 2023-14:20
.... were design to the specifications of the French army. And they all look the same, whether they are branded Breguet, Girard Perregaux, Mathey Tissot, Sinn or whatever other brand. But I am sure you know. Cheers, HSTE


By: HSTE : December 3rd, 2023-20:07
„What is generally ignored is that the 2,000 Type 20 chronographs sold by Breguet to the French Ministry of Defence were never manufactured by Breguet. In fact, Mathey-Tissot assembled the 5101/54 model for Breguet“ Cheers, HSTE