If any of you ever comes to Bonn, Germany,

Jan 22, 2025,22:27 PM

and wants to dine out like a champ, please visit Theodor's, destined for imminent Michelin stardom - and I want you to take my word for it. Just a few miles from our home and somehow we managed not to take notice for more than a year; the place opened in December 2023. The meals we could've had!

We forgot to take a picture of the exquisite deer main. And the dessert. Will return soon. Cheers Marc

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We had a great night. It's a super young

By: Gwai : January 22nd, 2025-22:35
team headed by the chef and his sister, the place is beautiful inside, and the ambition and energy are catching you as guests: They want to go places and surely have everything it takes. Too bad the deer is not pictured: the best dish of venison I've ever... 

I can appreciate this kind of food...

By: mdg : January 23rd, 2025-05:11
...but rarely go. I'm more at home at a Chicago steakhouse with a porterhouse and a Manhattan : )

I haven't been to Bonn for years!

By: eklektik : January 24th, 2025-12:03
But I have very good memories of it (Beethoven's statue, and liters of Bönnsch bier served in 0.2l glasses to keep it fresh). I'll keep you address in mind, thanks for the review. Best, E.

Thanks E., as to Beethoven (sigh),

By: Gwai : January 24th, 2025-17:21
a version of his statue gawks at you from every second window in town, seems like. One can find it amusing, I think it's rather tiresome, a decidedly provincial touch. The local beer of course I'd never polemicize against.