Santos Medium

Jan 29, 2024,16:41 PM

Why do you think blued hands are so fascinating?

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Good shot of the beautiful Santos …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : January 29th, 2024-16:57
Thank you for posting it 👍

Even with the quickest of glances your eyes

 By: Thomas_3 : January 29th, 2024-17:55
are drawn right down to the hands.

Mesmerizing blue colour.

 By: hora12reborn : January 29th, 2024-19:47

Because of the blue

 By: brauner : January 30th, 2024-06:24

Perfect fit

 By: tomch : January 30th, 2024-08:15
with the jacket.

Thank you

 By: brauner : January 30th, 2024-16:11