Hey Taylor…what time is it?

Feb 05, 2024,21:42 PM

Ummm not sure…does someone have a mirror?.

A little help here..😏🙄🤣

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LOL. Good one!

 By: amanico : February 5th, 2024-21:43


 By: myles721 : February 5th, 2024-21:44

For Travis’ eyes only.

 By: TheMadDruid : February 5th, 2024-21:47


 By: InHavenPro : February 6th, 2024-04:01

Now she's invading watch forums?...

 By: mdg : February 5th, 2024-22:51
...Make it stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, she looks armless.

 By: kjkt3 : February 6th, 2024-00:39

Armless but not harmless….

 By: myles721 : February 6th, 2024-00:47


 By: amanico : February 6th, 2024-07:46

Ptfptfptfptf... we all know who the OG is.... boyeeeeeeeee.

 By: enjoythemusic : February 5th, 2024-23:40
No one does it better ლ(╹◡╹ლ) ...  

Good one!!!!!!!!

 By: myles721 : February 6th, 2024-00:09
At least he can use it to tell time…


 By: InHavenPro : February 6th, 2024-04:05


 By: myles721 : February 6th, 2024-12:28

Lovely voice....

 By: InHavenPro : February 6th, 2024-04:04
Trash music. The 'vengeful bitch' genre has exploded to prominence in pop music over the past twenty years, that I cannot tell most songs from one another just by looking at the lyrics. And yes, I mean this across the sexes 😇....


 By: myles721 : February 6th, 2024-12:12

Goes to show you the watches aren’t only for telling time.

 By: gary_g : February 8th, 2024-03:15
They say something about the person wearing them.