This weekend spending time with Gerald

Mar 17, 2023,12:50 PM

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Oh yes he isπŸ˜‰

 By: brauner : March 18th, 2023-17:31

So much personality.

 By: patrick_y : March 17th, 2023-23:57
That's just a cool watch. N'uf said.

Thanks a lot.

 By: brauner : March 18th, 2023-17:35

You're most welcome!

 By: patrick_y : March 18th, 2023-17:37

Here is a relative.

 By: Steve E : March 18th, 2023-03:02
I don't wear this one much, but I like its personality. ...  

Gotta wear it more often!

 By: patrick_y : March 18th, 2023-17:38

I don't wear my watch often either. But if then I love it.

 By: brauner : March 18th, 2023-17:39
Nice Gefica you own. It is from the time before they switch to Bvlgari on the dial. Enjoy