The gray one in the JWW video with the Navy interior was wonderfully colored...

May 25, 2023,17:09 PM

I'd probably do that, and either the navy blue interior or a "Bitter Chocolate" interior. I'd probably try to keep costs down so I'd probably divest out of carbon fiber trim. Maybe a slightly smaller wheel. Oh boy, going down the rabbit hole.

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Comments: view entire thread 

Uhh, looks very much like the DB11.

By: patrick_y : May 24th, 2023-22:58
This one is definitely more of a facelift than a new model. Looks like Aston Martin is going the McLaren route, new nomenclature for every facelift. 12C and 650S were very much the same cars, the 650S being a facelift version of the 12C; but the 720S was ... 


By: InHavenPro : May 24th, 2023-23:06
They are claiming 80% of the vehicle components are brand new. I do think that the front of the car, and especially the interior look considerably better than the DB11. The only substantial visual carryover is the rear end which I was hoping they would ma... 

Wait until you drive the Lamborghini Huracan...

By: patrick_y : May 24th, 2023-23:41
You get all the Italian emotion, plus the German technical expertise. And here's the kicker, for an exotic brand sporty car, it's actually VERY RELIABLE. Remember, 18-20% of it is basically AUDI; people say that this is a bad thing - but it's really a goo... 

True! A DB12 shopper might not be interested in a Lamborghini.

By: patrick_y : May 24th, 2023-23:57
Most DB12 buyers are looking for a classy car that's comfortable and projects an image of elegance. Lamborghini isn't exactly that - not exactly elegant, definitely more sharp edged. But all I can say is that the Lamborghini Huracan is one amazing sports ... 

I get it 100%!

By: InHavenPro : May 25th, 2023-00:24
I'd love to test drive one myself, it's just not a car I'd consider getting as a daily driver, as opposed to most Astons which fill that multipurpose role effortlessly since they're not outright sportscars.... Everything you mention rings true for me as w... 

Aston isn't really a Mercedes...

By: patrick_y : May 25th, 2023-02:52
Sure, Geely might own a big percentage of Aston Martin and Mercedes is a technical partner (Geely also owns a big percentage of Daimler AG, the parent company of Mercedes)... But other than the V8 engine, infotainment, some software, and a few other parts... 

You are exceedingly accurate in these assessments once again Patrick....

By: InHavenPro : May 25th, 2023-02:57
But my impression was that he was making a tongue-in-cheek jab from a puritanical standpoint of those engines/drivetrains simply no longer being custom-made specifically for Aston Martin, but being versions of pre-existing engines and drivetrains no matte... 

Yes, it was definitely tongue in cheek. But just avoiding the creation of an incorrect perception.

By: patrick_y : May 25th, 2023-04:15
Agreed. However, I just wanted to put my thoughts in the record in case other readers assumed that the partnership between Aston Martin and Mercedes was at the same extensiveness as the partnership between Audi and Lamborghini. It's definitely not the cas... 

I would not....

By: InHavenPro : May 25th, 2023-01:08
discount it at all as a future option, just like they did with the DB11! As a matter of fact, I am personally confident it will happen, and I don't have any 'inside' sources to corroborate this for me....

I appreciate JWW's mechanical comparison to the DBS 770.

By: patrick_y : May 25th, 2023-04:27
JWW is a really detailed guy. Yes, he's probably annoying to most people (I bet I am too, when I get all detailed), but really subtle things like transmission programming, an engine torque curve for each gear in each driving mode, etc., and coaxing these ... 

There is certainly going to be one....

By: InHavenPro : May 25th, 2023-05:11
It's just a matter of time . I am going to attend one of the first presentations of it in L.A., so I will follow up with actual first impressions on the design, and perhaps even driveability, depending on what the factory and dealers decide to put togethe... 

Oh, those!! :))

By: InHavenPro : May 25th, 2023-12:57
I thought you meant the last generation of cars with the stuck-on screens and Mercedes parts ....

I feel the same! Thank you very much for chiming in!! :)

By: InHavenPro : May 25th, 2023-05:21
By far, the greatest amount of work was done on the spectacularly good looking interior design ....

Imagine when they make the Vanquish version...

By: patrick_y : May 25th, 2023-17:07
That'll be phenomenal - the DBS was already phenomenal... The Vanquish will be even better! Outside of a carbon fiber skin, what else can they improve though? They DB12 has already almost all the improvements from the DBS 770. I wonder what's left that ca... 

A V12 LoL :)

By: InHavenPro : May 25th, 2023-17:18
I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if that's a 'secret' they're keeping for the more potent versions of the car, but when the starting point is 671hp, it truly doesn't leave too much room for 'growth'........ It is, after all, a street car that need... 

Ahh, yes.

By: patrick_y : May 25th, 2023-17:23
One of the videos, the JWW one, the Aston Martin employee claims that DB12 will only be offered with a V8 and not a V12. So maybe the V12 will only go into the DBS/Vanquish. That makes sense. But the DB12 is probably good enough!

In a way....

By: InHavenPro : May 25th, 2023-18:41
I am with you on that, but then I can't say that I don't understand their decision.... It's considerably more practical and multi-purpose........

DB11s will soon be a good deal...

By: patrick_y : May 25th, 2023-17:05
If enough people who own DB11s sell theirs to get a DB12, you'll soon find a glut of DB11s for sale on the market at a good price!

No question about that....

By: InHavenPro : May 25th, 2023-17:14
I've seen that even before the DB12 news arrived, there were examples with relatively high mileage (a few tens of thousands) for around $100K........

Yes, some crazy person I knew bought a 2014 Rapide instead of a DB11.

By: patrick_y : May 25th, 2023-17:25
The DB11 definitely wouldn't have been much more money. What a crazy fella. And the 2014 Rapide is just dated, still has the 6 speed. Oh well, as long as he's happy.

The Rapide....

By: InHavenPro : May 25th, 2023-17:28
despite its timeless elegance is truly showing its age at this point in time.... It is of the same vintage as the second generation DBS, and the initial version of the second generation Vanquish........ Despite loving both of those cars immensely, the int... 

It also has super thin brake pads...

By: patrick_y : May 25th, 2023-17:49
Designed primarily so that way the client will have to visit the dealer more often and replace the brake pads. Thus guaranteeing revenue for the dealer. New pads are only 8mm and have to be replaced around 4mm. What a scam!

Thanks for the video and picture, Filip.

By: GWIS : May 25th, 2023-05:37
That is one very pretty car. I like the shade of green too. I look forward to reading your impressions from the LA event. All the best, Jon

My pleasure, as always....

By: InHavenPro : May 25th, 2023-05:48
I've always been of the opinion that a green color on an Aston is the most appropriate choice, despite them offering a plethora of scintillating color choices.... Cheers Jon, Filip

The gray one in the JWW video with the Navy interior was wonderfully colored...

By: patrick_y : May 25th, 2023-17:09
I'd probably do that, and either the navy blue interior or a "Bitter Chocolate" interior. I'd probably try to keep costs down so I'd probably divest out of carbon fiber trim. Maybe a slightly smaller wheel. Oh boy, going down the rabbit hole.

OK, I got to play a bit with the configurator........

By: InHavenPro : May 25th, 2023-22:06
And was exceedingly pleased to find multiple lovely green exterior color choices. From the digital editor/display I most fancied the special vintage color named 1959 after the winning Aston DBR1 piloted by Carroll Shelby to victory at Le Mans that year......  

Thank you kindly!

By: InHavenPro : May 26th, 2023-20:07
I've always loved green colors, and especially on an Aston Martin... Even my last high-end bicycle from Specialized was colored in sage green.... I am growing to love this new DB12 more by the day, I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up changing my mind fr... 

Have you ever seen a car offering more colors and trim choices? Especially interesting that the configurator is "free" of any prices that might hinder one's fantasies...

By: cazalea : May 31st, 2023-12:05
Here's mine (I've had too many red cars lately), and I do like blue ones. So I chose a purple/blue theme outside, and a terra cotta/blue inside. My once mostly blue fleet (not counting red Lotuses in the garage). I would of course consider a blue/green al...  

Wow Mike!

By: InHavenPro : May 31st, 2023-12:18
That is one profusely pretty combination! My curiosity is peaked however with your choice of speccing a DB11 vs DB12.... I'm sure there are some additional color option variations between them. Yes, it is a rather subtle choice of them not to include any ... 

I thought that was the 12, maybe a configurator retrieval error, I will recheck

By: cazalea : May 31st, 2023-12:28
Here all I know about Aston ... I went to the factory, had a great tour, and the only thing I could afford to buy (at that time) in their gift shop was a set of coasters ... Later I was on the verge of buying a V8, but a friend was rebuilding his Aston's ...  

Lovely coasters!

By: InHavenPro : May 31st, 2023-13:17
What can I say, I'm a lifelong 'sucker' for Astons, and despite the prices cannot will myself into not buying one in the next few years.... I can rather easily forgo not ever having another watch in my life, despite loving horology immensely, but not havi... 

Japanese press....

By: InHavenPro : May 26th, 2023-08:01
with some very good candid footage of both the exterior and interior........

Direct quotation from their designer....

By: InHavenPro : May 30th, 2023-23:41
So, I had the privilege to chat with Julian Nunn whose job title at AML is Exterior Chief Designer for GT & Special Projects, and this was what he had to say in relation to the rear of the car, which from pictures looks the most visually comparable to the...