I finally found an Alpine

Mar 30, 2024,21:58 PM

My 7 year old nephews Hahaha smile any other RC enthusiasts here?



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That's a good start. ;)

 By: amanico : March 30th, 2024-22:22


 By: hora12reborn : March 31st, 2024-06:47

I would imagine he has

 By: Thomas_3 : March 30th, 2024-22:32
a lot of fun with that.. Almost as much as Nico

I would say yes hahaha

 By: SALMANPK : March 30th, 2024-22:53


 By: amanico : March 30th, 2024-23:44

Clearly! ;)

 By: amanico : March 31st, 2024-09:06

The vintage, yes.

 By: amanico : March 30th, 2024-23:35

Battery Powered

 By: SALMANPK : March 31st, 2024-03:51

So cool these scale models.

 By: Bill : March 31st, 2024-00:55

The last picture is so cool!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : March 31st, 2024-01:15

Funny picture.

 By: hora12reborn : March 31st, 2024-06:50

Nice racer

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : March 31st, 2024-01:15

I'll play

 By: Arronax : March 31st, 2024-01:24
Miura and R8 LM, rwd and 4wd chassis, electric. Used to go with my son when he was younger, great introduction to chassis and car setup (weight distribution, suspension, tires, etc...): ...  

Kyosho Mini Z

 By: Arronax : March 31st, 2024-04:30
RC, great range of bodies to choose from. My son got a lancia delta body for the 4wd chassis as well. These are a riot if you have access to a circuit, it can be addictive (and a lot cheaper than real racing!)

The one ..

 By: bimbeano : March 31st, 2024-20:07
.. that fits our budget my friend


 By: amanico : March 31st, 2024-20:08

exactly hahaha :-)

 By: SALMANPK : March 31st, 2024-23:37