Agreed, my friend.

Feb 09, 2024,00:13 AM

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1994 Porsche 968 CS Club Sport.

By: amanico : February 8th, 2024-12:14
I must confess that this one came to my mind more than once, with its big 4 cylinders ( 3.0 Liter ) engine and its " lightweight " treatment. Almost 30 years old, and not too many! Ok, it has the performances of a 911, without the charm of the " Boxer 6 "...  

Can't say I'm into the 4 banger porsches

By: TeutonicCarFan : February 8th, 2024-13:11
But this is a special variant for sure. The pictures make me miss the era of piping on seats. My range rover had that and it does add to the luxury. Also, proper speedine wheels in a porsche 👌

These are nice...

By: mdg : February 8th, 2024-19:00
...but I'd prefer the larger engine of the 928. But of old-school Porsches, I'd take a 6-cylinder 914 : )

My first car!

By: Anatol : February 8th, 2024-19:28
A 968CS in Speed yellow was my first car and I really loved it! Suspension and brakes where fantastic as my car had the M003 package. The engine was strong enough at the time but more power would not have been bad. I remember many early morning runs up Sw... 

I once ...

By: bimbeano : February 9th, 2024-18:17
.. got stuck in a 968 Clubsport with Retro race seats ... Couldn't get out of it as my back blocked .. . One of my favorites as well.